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"Hey, Malia." Theo jogged up to me.

"What's up?" I looked to him.

"Why were you talking to Scott earlier, I thought you hated each other." He asked. I was getting a bit annoyed with Theo lately but I tried my hardest not to reply rudely.

"I mean it's not anyone's business, but we actually got back together last night." I shrugged. He groaned.

"Really? Scott? He was such a jerk to you."

"1)  Scott was a jerk because I was a jerk. 2) Theo I know you're in love with me and I'm sorry I don't feel the same way but please stop trying to get with me." I snapped. His heart skipped a beat.

"What? Nah." He cleared his throat.

"Theo don't even lie I can hear your heart beat. You deserve someone who loves you back Theo, you're a good looking kid, a bit creepy but with good intentions. Tracey totally has a thing for you." I tried to give him more pros than cons.

"Malia you can't hear my heart because that's impossible." He laughed. "But Tracey?" He asked.

"Yeah, she told me." I winked. I had completely forgotten that he didn't know about supernatural stuff. He considered the things I told him the rest of the way to our lockers.

"Malia!" Scott yelled. He ran up to me and scooped me into his arms.

"Scott! What are you doing?" I laughed. He began layering kisses all over my neck.

"Alright guys, PDA." I heard Stiles say from behind Scott.

"Stiles is right. I'm happy you two are back together but you need to tone it down." Lydia agreed.

"Maybe you guys need to tone it up." Scott said in between kisses. Stiles wiggled his eyebrows at Lydia.

"Okay, no, we aren't going to become the new Scott and Malia of this school." She pointed her finger at him. Stiles frowned. "Okay maybe one kiss." She caved and leaned into stiles.

"Alright, I'm out." Theo held up his hands and walked away. Scott waved goodbye as he left, sarcastically I'm sure.

"Last night was the first night I've slept well in weeks. I can't sleep alone I'm a natural born cuddler." He laughed as he looked at me. I snorted.

"Scott this conversation makes me want to jump off of a bridge. That was the most innocent thing I've ever heard. You're too pure." Stiles shivered. Lydia nodded at Scott.

"I'm an alpha werewolf what are you talking about?" He groaned.

"True. But you are also the most polite person I've ever met so I mean." I added to the conversation.

"I hate all of you." He snorted.

"I mean, I'm your favorite. You're basically cradling me like we just got married." I laughed.

"Can you guys have a Naley wedding and get married like tomorrow? I would cry. Please. Be my One Tree Hill OTP in real life." Lydia begged.

"Nice try, but how about we wait until we at least graduate." I laughed. Scott put me back on the ground.

"So, you're saying you do envision us getting married at some point, yes?" Scott asks.

"You're mom made me promise to become her daughter in law some day so I mean I guess I have to." I joked to him. He smiled at me. We began to walk out of the school together.

"Stiles do you think that we'll get married?" Lydia asked.

"There's literally no other option than yes, Lydia. I've been waiting for you to notice me since third grade, we're obviously getting married." He answered. Lydia laughed at him.

I reached down and grabbed Scott's hand. He gave me a warm smile. "I love you, Scott McCall." I told him, leaning into him.

"I love you too, Malia Tate." He said copying me. I knew then and there that this is where I wanted to be. Beside my soulmate, my best friend, my alpha.

My Scott.

AN: ayyyye so the book is over guys! I'm Scalia trash so I'm going to be starting up another story about Scalia soon (probably tomorrow). I already have the idea for the story so all I need to do is actually write it and hopefully I won't give up trying to write a quality story halfway through like I always do lmao. Anyways, thank you guys for reading this story and voting/commenting on it. It means a lot. I love you guys 💖💖

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