Bribed and Blackmailed CH2

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"I had only one thing on my mind, and that one thing was the beautiful, talented, adorable, Katie Belle Sto- I mean Gardner."

Katie Gardner (POV)
I went to bed looking on the outside like I always do, but on the inside I was absolutely freaking out. Travis had FINALLY broken up with that joke of a girlfriend Jessica!! I know, I know, there is no right at all for me to call her a joke of a girlfriend just because I had a seriously deep crush on her ex-boyfriend, Travis, but I DO actually have a reason. I was bribed and blackmailed to keep it a secret,though. (This is how it 'went down' on how I caught Jessica with Cody from the Ares Cabin behind the green house almost 1 week ago.)

I was walking through the green house, watering all of the plants on row 5 and 6 with a beautiful, big orange water bucket. I smile and giggle, realizing that the color was the same as Travis's hair. I started to imagine a dream I had last night when we were on a date at the beach and his head was laying on my lap, my hand in his hair. As I got near the end of the rows, I hearing something banging or being pushed up against the outside of the glass wall near the back door of the greenhouse*. I slowly walked towards the sound, then realized it was a BODY being pushed up against it, and I cold hear the two kissing! I silently scoffed and scowled to myself thinking about how weird that relationship would be, only kissing behind a green house near the borders of the camp. I soon realized that it was a girl being pushed up against the wall because she had long wavy hair, and she was wearing a crop top and some high wasted shorts. I was automatically annoyed, but I felt like I had seen her a lot of times before,but I couldn't put my finger on where. I walk to the door and open it, about to shoo them away from the Demeter Cabin's private green house, when I look at the two mortified faces and completely drop my dark orange can of water, spilling the water out onto my legs and shoes. I stood there utterly shocked as I saw the two's faces blush in shame. It was TRAVIS'S GIRLFRIEND, CHEATING ON HIM WITH SOME JERK SON OF ARES! I immediately started screaming at them, yell-asking them if they knew that she had a completely loyal boyfriend already, and how horrible she was for cheating on Travis and how immature he was to be kissing a girl in a relationship. I then turned around without letting them say anything in response, making a plan on how to tell Travis when I find him. I think of his schedule for Tuesday's and then start to head in the direction of the Archery section of the camp (I'm not a stalker, we just hang out sometimes and I got to learn his schedule and he learned mine). I then hear fast-paced feet obviously running to me when I felt a hand jerk me back. I then look at Jessica, all of the emotion drains from my face. I give her my death look, which I rarely give anyone because they are literally very scary, but this time I was thinking about how Travis didn't deserve a girl like her, about how he deserved me, Katie. Jessica wouldn't even make eye contact with me she was so scared. That made me smile. She then takes out a fairly large bag and a picture. "What's in the bag?" I ask with a mean tone. "Um, I'd have to say around 50 drachmas. They're  for you, to keep you quite for the time being about what you just saw with me and Cody. Also, this is for persuading you to take it and keep your dam mouth shut." She then gave me the bag and I looked at the picture in her hand, AND IT WAS OF MY DIARY?!? On the picture it was a page were a bunch of scribbles of Travis's name and mine together with hearts all around. I automatically blushed a deep red, I thought no one knew about my secret crush! "Where- How in the world did you get into my journal?" I asked surprisingly calm. All that Jessica replied was, "It would be a shame for people, especially Travis, to know about this, wouldn't it? Also, it's basically my job to know everyone's crush, I mean I AM a daughter of Aphrodite!" Annoyed was not even anywhere close to how I was feeling towards this girl right now. I made up my mind and I sadly said to her that I would only keep the secret for a week at most, but I still turned away and walked to my cabin with the fifty drachmas in the bag, almost breaking down into tears about how horrible she is and how badly she is treating Travis by cheating on her! I walked past everyone, even my best friend and closets sister Miranda*, and ignored them when they asked if I was okay when they saw the tears in my eyes. I just walked straight to the back where the Head Counselor's room* was.

Thinking back on that Tuesday, I teared up again, but this time crying in joy that Travis Stoll was single again. I walked out of my Cabin, saw him walking out of his too, heading towards the Archery section. I decided to push off today's assignment on watering rows 7-8 for later. I turn to where Travis is headed and start to quicken my pace so I can catch up to him. We have been pretty good friends for a while because we were assigned to fight in the War against Gaea next to each other. After that we developed nicknames for each other and gradually built our friendship to something amazing. I yell out to him "Hey Troll, wait for me!" I see him turn around with that amazing goofy grin that I absolutely love, and you can automatically tell that my whole body was happier, brighter, an I had more of a bounce in my step. "Well to what do I owe this honor, Gardner Gnome?" he says in a light, playful tone. We walk side by side and start to talk about our Archery skills until we got to the shelf that had the bows and a tin that held all of the arrows. We both picked one bow and some arrows and then turned and walked to a target.

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