Explination CH8

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I dropped my bags, but apparently I wasn't the only one. A chorus of bags and suitcases hit the ground as we all took in what was in front of us.

Annabeth (POV)
I cannot believe this. I am literally standing in front of a miniature-sized making of Olympus, which I had just finished re-building. Basically, I designed this house, but I am still in awe of it. There were FOUR STORIES OF THE HOUSE! I quickly calculated how ginormous the house actually was in square feet for just one level. To me, it looked roughly 1,000 ft by 500 ft.

It had been about 5 minutes that we were all just marveling the building- wait, no, scratch that,-HOUSE, that was in front of us. I may have forgotten to mention this, but there was a freaking GATE AROUND THE HOUSE? I turned my attention to the miniature designs on the Gate, swirls and creatures and crests and whatnot.

I felt a hand snake itself around my waist, resting itself on my hip. Percy whispered to me "Wise Girl, how about we go explore this place?". I looked up at him, surprised that what he said was actually a good idea. I didn't tell him that, though. Nah, I just smirked and nodded my head.

"Whelp guys, I guess there's really no point in just gawking at this, let's go inside and see what our parents have in store for us!"

Hazel Levesque (POV)
Walking up to the door, we found a package laying on the ground. Reyna bent down to pick it up. She slowly but delicately opened it, but Leo just HAD to yell "HURRY IT UP, I WANNA GO INSIDE!" which caused Reyna to almost drop the package and give Leo an incredible Death Stare. I mean, I was even scared and she wasn't even looking at me! Leo obviously regretted saying that as he was shaking, hiding behind Calypso, looking at Reyna with eyes that said "Please forgive my idiotic boyfriend." She calmed down, and opened the package. Inside was a whole lot of papers, and 19 cards. Cards? Why cards? What about keys! Reyna and Nico then started to pass out the cards, which had names on all of them. "Here are your key cards. Do not lose them." KEY cards? Oh well, I'll have Frank to explain to me later. Reyna then started reading out a note.

Reyna RA-RA (POV)

"Demigods, we have decided to bless you with a 5-level Mansion, with monster boarders around the Gate. Poseidon also thought it would be a good idea for a fairly large, 15-Feet deep swimming pool for parties and whatnot."
We all glanced at Percy to see him jumping crazily as Annabeth was trying to calm him down.
"On ground level, it consists of a kitchen, a living room, and a study room/library for you demigods, saytrs, and whomever else you wish. The second level is your bedrooms. (Authors note; I am not going to describe the bedrooms, you can literally look to any other Fanfic you want or imagine whatever you want.) The third level is the "Hang-Out Level" as Apollo described it. It consists of a mini-Movie theater, a foosball table, a pool table that turns into air hockey, a mini-kitchen, and a huge closet that stores all types of outdoor and indoor sports equipment. The fourth level is your training room/workout room. Your Godly parent has also made a bank account for you, with 10,000 American Dollars. The fifth level, which is below ground, is the Garage. Athena has decided to bless all of you with the Knowledge of Driving a Car. In your rooms you will find a fairly large bed, a closet, a desk, a computer and a phone that are both monster-safe, and a backpack for school that starts on Mondays. You are all going to be Juniors. In your personal envelopes, you will find a lanyard personal to yourself that your key cards can latch onto. Your key cards open doors that are available to you. They also open the elevators and lock/unlock your cars for you. Each and every God and Goddess has helped create this house for all of you, and we all hope you enjoy. Thank you, Saviors of Olympus, and we all wish you luck in High School."

Nico and I then pass out the envelopes with the lanyards inside to each and every person. I then turn to the door, and open it with my keycard. We all slowly walk in, then we all dash to the elevators to explore our rooms. THERE ARE THREE FREAKING ELEVATORS. We all split up, shoving ourselves inside and waiting to arrive. We all push out of the elevator on the second floor in no time, staring that the long hallway of doors with names printed on. We look at the first two doors, and to our surprise, one says "Rachel" In a flowery font with different colors of paint for each letter. All of us stare at it in awe, almost scared to go inside. Will was the first one to regain his senses and walks up and knocks on the door. We hear shuffling inside, then the door swings open, showing a smiling Rachel Elizabeth Dare covered in paint. "Well it's about time you found me!" Here, I'll show you to your rooms.

I don't really want to explain everyone's room and how it looks, so I'm just going to name the rooms going down the hall, left side and right side.


Traite ; Demigods go to Goode HighNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ