Happiness All Around CH4

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She then turns to me and lays her head on my chest, and I kiss her head/hair, us both just enjoying each other's company and bodies against each other.

Katie Gardner (POV)
It's been about two weeks since me and Travis have been dating, and I don't think I've ever been happier. Travis makes me laugh and smile and just feel 10 times better whenever I see him. He's stopped pulling pranks on me and my Cabin, and thankfully Connor understands why. Not only has he stopped pulling pranks on us, also the whole Hermes cabin has been slowly stopping pulling pranks on everyone. The jokes just seem to be getting people down, remembering their dead friends and what pranks they've pulled on them, so the children of Hermes started to rethink on what they should do in their free time. No one was really sad that they stopped pulling pranks though, it was like the whole camp was noticeably happier.

Connor has also been talking to Miranda a lot. Travis and I have also seen them talking to each other, flirting more and more each day. I say that they are going to date, but Travis disagrees. He says "Connor would have told me if he had any type of crush on a girl, wouldn't he?" We've also seen quite a few campers getting together, since there was really no big threat from monsters. No one was afraid of losing their significant other.

That also made me happy, seeing all of the couples who I thought went together pretty well, finally actually GET TOGETHER. What made me even happier (I don't even know how I became happier, I some how did) was that there were every type of couple. Harrison and Josh, the two boys came out at the same time at dinner 2 weeks ago. They're were holding hands, and it seemed as if they didn't care who didn't agree with their love. Being the amazing and accepting camp we are, we all stood up and cheered. For the next three nights, couples came out to everyone at dinner.

Finley and Violet, Michael and Brendon, and Lavender and Riley. This all happened one day after the other, but who came out first (almost 4 weeks ago) as gay and a couple that probably surprised everyone in camp, even their close friends, were Nico Di Angelo and Will Solace. Light and Dark. Supposedly polar opposites. Travis kept joking to me about how opposites attract and how it was fate and destiny.

Now it might be crazy since I am a demigod, but I don't really like using the terms fate or meant to be. I use 'It was their choice or it was how they were born'. I got annoyed when Travis just sat there, on his bed, utterly shocked when I told him I didn't believe in fate or destiny. Seeing his face, I turned and was about to leave when I felt his arms wrap around me and pull me back to him. "Now Katie-Kat, where do you think you're going?" He then proceeded to lift me up and kiss me, did I mention his kisses were like being in Olympus for the first time? His lips tasted like caramel, and when I realized that about two weeks ago, I could barely keep my mouth away from his. In the kiss right now, I smiled, and then he pulled away, directing us back to his bed. He laid down, making room for me to cuddle up against him.

We fell asleep like that until Connor came barging in asking "Hey bro do you have any Old Spice cologne? I have a date tonight with the girl of my dreams, but I'm not telling you who she is-" As he was saying this, I woke up but Travis was still asleep, his face all squished up, smiling at Zeus knows what kind of dream. "Oh uh-um hi-hey there Ka-Katie, what are YOU doing here..?" I gave him a weird look and said "I'm here for Travis, duh? And he's asleep so I think you should tell me who you're getting so flustered over!" "Flu-Flustered?? I'm not flustered! Nope! I'm totally cool and awes-"

"Miranda?" I said, cutting him off. "How'd you know..." "Finally man, she's been waiting for you to ask her out for like two months! Nice. So where are you two going?" "This special place in the woods that she says only you two know about.." "Wow, she's taking you there on a first date?" "Umm, more like 8th date." "WHAT?!??!" I scream, waking up Travis in the process. "HOW LONG HAVE YOU TWO BEEN TOGETHER?" I don't even let Travis or Connor say anything, I run out of the Hermes Cabin straight to my Cabin and barge in  "MIRANDA HOWELL, GET IN MY ROOM RIGHT NOW!"

I look at Miranda as I stomp to my room, seeing her face go pale. I swing open my door , her following me in shame. "Care to explain anything to your best friend and sister, Miranda? Something about you and Connor going on your 8th date, TO OUR SPECIAL PLACE IN THE WOODS?" She winces as I yell. "I'm-I'm sorry Katie I was going to tell you and ask you if I could but I couldn't find you! I'm so sorry Katie please forgive me, I wanted to tell you but we didn't want the attention. I'm sorry" As she was saying this I instantly felt guilty at yelling at her and being mad at her in the first place. "Hey it's okay,  I'm sorry for getting so mad at you, but is it okay if we make it a double date at the Tree House..?". "Whelp let's ask the boys now shouldn't we?

Travis Stoll (POV)
I wake up to my gorgeous girlfriend screaming at my brother. She then storms out and I say in a raspy, tired voice "What the Hades man, why did Katie just leave me I was so comfortable." "imdatingmirandandshefoundout *gasp for breath* andshefreakedoutandwenttofindmirandaithinkimsorryididnttellyou" Travis, understand exactly what Connor just said burst out laughing. "Connor don't worry I've known, you talk in your sleep by the way!!" Connor blushed a deep red at what I said. "So, dear brother, where are you going?" "Well Miranda suggested a secret place that only her and Katie know about somewhere in the woods."

"Hey man, maybe we should do a double date at wherever that place is in the woods!" Connor says and we walk out of our Cabin and see Miranda and my beautiful Katie, still with messy hair from us taking a nap together. We all walk towards each other, and when we finally reach the girls, my and Katie say at the exact same time "So we were thinking about going on a double date!"  Connor and Miranda both smirk and giggle as I pull her into a hug, us both blushing and laughing.
"We've become the same person, babe!!" I whisper in her ear. I'm pretty sure I can feel her shiver, that makes me hug her tighter. "Travis-*cough* I can't BREATH!!" I let Katie go and I hear her giggle. "So meet up in an hour?" I hear Miranda and Connor say at the exact same time, just like what Katie and I just did. Instead of us just smirking, Katie and I burst out laughing. Miranda blushes but Connor just smiles and takes Miranda's hand, calming her. I clamp my hand over Katie's mouth,making sure we didn't say the same thing at the same time. "Definitely." I say with a goofy grin on my face. Katie looks up at me and just smiles, probably thinking about how amazing and attractive I am. Both pairs then leave to go get ready for their first double date, in an hour, in the woods.

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