A Surprisingly Normal Day CH13

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Lilian was going crazy! "You know Greek too?? I love Greek!! The mythology too!!" She managed to get out. All of us just chuckled and said "Yep." together. The 5 had no words for the rest of the Lunch Period.

Lilian Spark (POV)
I am in complete awe. I learned those languages too when I was about 10, and my whole family, especially my stepmom, was weirdly surprised. My dad, on the other hand, just looked proud. Since then, I became secretly obsessed with learning every word in every language, the history of Greece and Italy, and all of the Roman and Greek Myths. They were absolutely fascinating. Now I may be very smart, but for some reason I also excel in Environmental-related things. Because of this, I was always deeply interested in the Goddess Demeter. I had Science class with Katie and Juniper, they were also incredibly advanced in that class. It struck me as weird that Katie and I have the exact same eyes, though.

Anyways, the first day of school had sadly ended. The 19 exchange students, and Percy, all appeared odd to me. They were all incredibly tan, the boys were buff (except Leo), and the girls were incredibly fit. It's like they didn't go 1 day without working out in the SUN.

"Hey guys," Percy said to us, "We all live in basically one big mansion, do you want to come over and do our homework there?"

Mikey was the first to speak. "I think we all would line to see your 'Mansion' Percy, if you even have one". He said with a smirk. Percy just smiled, along with every other exchange student. "Well, Mikey, I guess I'll just have to prove you wrong!" Do they really live in a Mansion? No, Percy wasn't exactly a privileged person. I guess we WILL just have to see.

Mikey Thompson (POV)
So, we all were going to the Exchange Students' 'Mansion'. I love Percy to death, but I just cannot believe that he would have enough money to build a freakin mansion.

We all split up into each of their cars. I went with Percy, Jules went with Piper, Lilian went with Katie, Henry went with Grover, and Savanna went with Rachel. Their cars were all the exact same, just different colors. it was incredible. It made me second-guess myself when I said before that they couldn't have a Mansion.

We drove about 10 minutes, then everyone turned on a basically deserted road. I was a little freaked out, and at first I thought I was being kidnapped, but then I remembered it was Percy. The thought quickly left my mind when we started to slow down. I looked out the window, and was greeted by a literal Mansion. I'm not joking, it looked bigger and more designed than the White House!

Percy grabbed his lanyard with a key-card looking thing on it. We were the first to pull up to the Gate, and Percy put his card out to a little Box the was ticking up, pressed a button that said 'Garage' and then the Gate opened up for us and let us all in. The drivers all lined up perfectly next to each other, about 20 feet in front of the house. Surely they wouldn't just park their cars there, right?!?

Suddenly, the ground basically lowered. it stopped at an angle, like we were supposed to go down to Hell.

Percy then pulled in, along with every one else. He drove diagonally down about 10 feet, then parked, again, along with every one else.

*Time skip to after they explored the whole house, except the Fourth Floor(of course), and then went to the Library/Study Room. They were all either discussing answers, reading, or writing their homework.*

Jules Kallion (POV)
Today was absolutely crazy. Somehow, I felt like it was going to be crazier. 19 people I didn't know came to school, and Percy seemed to be best friends with each and every one of them. They all even knew 3 different languages! Like, I understand that they supposedly all went to the same summer-long camp and learned the languages there, but still. Percy's not very smart, and he somehow just picked up three languages fluently? Yeah, totally makes sense!

Let me tell you a little bit about myself.
Basically, I am an orphan. I live with my Grandma. My Dad died when I was 6 and my mom disappeared about 2 months after I was born. I am fairly beautiful, and I honestly don't feel conceited by saying it. I'm not like any of the girls who have make-up pounded on their faces, though. I have long flowing blonde hair, with Multi-Colored eyes. Today, Piper and I really hit it off. She's absolutely gorgeous, too. I would definitely date her if she didn't have a boyfriend. Oh, and I am bi. I'm proud of it too, and I am not closeted either. No shame in keeping it a secret, right?

Travis Stoll (POV)
Surprisingly, school was a lot of fun. Well, except for that whole fiasco with Percy and that girl who's obsessed with him. Me and Katie have made some friends of our own too, not just mortal friends with Percy's old friends. We meet a couple who we had 2 classes with, Carly and James.

They're both pretty hipster people, and Katie and James really hit it off because they both really like plants. Now, I'm not worried or jealous though, because I know Katie loves me and I love her. Carly and I just talk and laugh and just watch our boyfriend/girlfriend plant stuff after school in their plant club after school. It's pretty fun, though sometimes I notice Carly just looks at me. Like, not talking to me, just staring. It freaks me out some. Anyways, right now, the demigods and Percy's mortal friends are all studying (or trying to study).

When we all finished, it was about 7 o'clock at night. The mortals left, and we all decided to call it a night.

"Man, the first day of school is tiring. I'm almost too tired to put blue dye in Annabeth's shampoo!" Connor said to me with a mischievous smile. I smirked, and inching towards Annabeth's room.

"Oh really? Well, then I guess-you know, just to fall asleep easily, we should tire ourself to the fullest by putting blue dye in her shampoo, right?"

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