Double Date CH5

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Katie looks up at me and just smiles, probably thinking about how amazing and attractive I am. Both pairs then leave to go get ready for their first double date, in an hour, in the woods.

Katie Gardner (POV)
Miranda and I walked out of our Cabin, heading towards the Hermes Cabin to pick up the twin boys and lead them to our secret tree house. As we reach the Cabin, Miranda stood waiting on the steps as I walked up and banged on the door. I turned to Miranda, smiling at how beautiful she looked for Connor, even though she was only wearing a simple orange crop top with a black tank-top underneath and shorts since it was, after all, summertime. She smiles back, then I hear the door open and I turn around, only to be greeted by my boyfriend.

First, his jaw dropped. Then, he looked me up and down, not saying anything. I honestly was kinda freaked out that there was something wrong with me. He just stood there,just gawking at me. I stepped up to him, and on my tippy toes I said "Babe, close your mouth or else bugs will fly in!" While I was saying that I reached up and closed his mouth for him. Finally, he spoke. "My precious Katie, you are gorgeous." I could FEEL my face heating up,getting as red as the strawberries that my Cabin grows.

He then pulled me in for a long kiss, then we heard Miranda cough in annoyance. "Can I PLEASE see Connor now?" As she said that, Connor walked out, and he had the same reaction to Miranda as Travis had to me. Miranda just giggled and then pulled him into a kiss, which Connor took advantage of, and wouldn't let Miranda pull away. I then got annoyed and pulled Miranda away from her boyfriend and then said "Now, off to our secret place we go!"

Miranda and I were walking in front of the boys, taking lefts and rights here and there, remembering trees, getting deeper and deeper into the woods. We are about 2 minutes away from our Tree House just near the boarders when I hear scrapping. I look up and I see Rebecca, my friend, a daughter of Poseidon! "HEY REBECCA, WHAT THE HADES ARE YOU DOING UP THERE SO HIGH IN THAT TREE??" Miranda tells up to her when she notices I stopped and looked up. Rebecca is about 20 feet off the ground, climbing up a tree! Obviously, she is Percy Jackson's half sister, but everyone knows she's way more adventurous and humble than Percy. (No offense to Percy!!) "OH HEY GUYS, I JUST THOUGHT ID GO FOR A QUICK CLIMB BEFORE DINNER! WHAT ARE YOU GUYS DOING?" We all look at each other in panic when Travis saves us by yelling up to Rebecca "ME AND CONNOR WHERE EXPLORING, AND DRAGGED THESE TWO ALONG!" We could all hear Rebecca laugh and all of us let out a sigh. "REBECCA ANCHOR, IT'S ALMOST DINNER, COME ON DOWN!!" Connor yells up to her. It took about 2 minutes for her to make it all the way down, which surprised us all. Well, I guess since she WAS a demigod it wasn't THAT surprising, but still. She waves us all goodbye and makes her way back to camp. We stay there for a few more minutes to make sure she doesn't come back, then Miranda turns and drags me towards the Tree House. I finally loosen from Miranda's grip and walk slow, waiting for Travis to catch up. Once we fall side by side, Connor jogs past us to Miranda and wraps an arm around her waist, and the other one pulls out a small box from his pocket. Travis and I start to look at each other instead of the couple in front of us, not wanting to get into their privacy. Travis seems to be distracted, and trips over a tree root I grew on purpose and I burst out laughing. I offer him a hand, pull him up, but he doesn't let go. We shift our hands into a comfortable position as we come up to the Tree House.

I give a proud look to the Tree House and I hear a small "Woah." and "Oh my.." coming from Travis and Connor. The tree house was about 15 feet off the ground, made out of tree roots and vines that Miranda and I created with our powers from our Mother. I pull Travis towards the house and he just mumbles "But-But there's no front door?" in a questioning tone. I just smirk at him as I will a certain rectangle part of the ground to rise and stop in front of the 'door' made out of wood. Travis is just speechless, in awe of my powers. We walk in, and the ground goes back down to bring Connor and Miranda up. The inside is basically one huge room, with a TV and a movie player. As my sister and her twin walk in holding hands, Travis blurts out in an incredibly melodramatic way "IF I DON'T SEE FINDING DORY IN MY HANDS IN 5 SECONDS I AM GOING TO BE PISSED." He is flailing his hands around as I scramble to fine the advanced copy of the DVD that Nysaa let us borrow that was from Hephaestus gave to her as a Birthday present. Travis is counting down, and as he says "A SECOND AND A QUARTER-" I chuck the DVD to him. His face lights up as he reads the label of the case. Travis then looks back up to me giving me that goofy grin that I could just fall in love with over and over again. *sigh* Woah, wait, did I just say fall in love with? It's only been,like, a month! I can't think like that, he'll think I'm a freak! Oh no, oh no no no. I blush incredibly, trying to look for something else to focus on. Miranda and Connor are just laughing at us two, and they're snuggling together in a big bean bag the color of the darkest green imaginable. Looking at the two makes me forget what I was thinking about, admiring how comfortable they are with each other, AHH I'm sorry I'm getting off track. Stupid ADHD.  Anyways, I then give him puppy dog eyes, convincing him to let me set up the DVD player. Travis obviously cannot resist it because he immediately gives in. I can hear Connor and Miranda talking about Aphrodite knows what when Travis wraps his arms around me, watching me set everything up. The movie starts and Travis and I get settled in a gigantic lilac purple bean bag, stealing kisses every minute throughout the movie. As it comes up to the sad part, I can feel a tear drop onto my hair, obviously from Travis. I kiss him deeply, completely distracting him from the sad scene playing on the gigantic movie screen. He moves his hand to my back, the other gripping my hair. I do the same to him, but instead his back, his neck. Oh my goodness I am in love with Travis. I pull away before I realized what I was doing and whispered to him "Travis, I love you.." I look up to him, expecting to say it back, but I just see shock in his eyes. I start to realize my mistake and try to get up, but he pulls me back down into a deep kiss. Our lips move in sync, getting more and more passionate by the second. He pulls away, and whispers in my ear. "I love you too, Katie Belle Gardner." As he says that, it sends shivers down my spine. Good Gods, I am so in love with this boy.

Traite ; Demigods go to Goode HighUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum