Getting Ready for a Goode Year CH7

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"Let's go get packed, Katie-Kat". Everyone else had the same idea, pilling out of the Big House to their Cabins to get ready for 2 years of torture.

Katie Gardner (POV)
*Time Skip, everyone's on a small bus taking them somewhere away from camp*

The bus is silent, except for the rattling coming from somewhere beneath them. Everyone is in a seat with one other person, either with their boyfriend/girlfriend, or alone, in Reyna's case. I don't think she really minded that, though. She was just listening to music from her headphones with her eyes closed. 'Man, I wish I could be that calm in this situation.' I thought to myself.

I ran through what happened yesterday in my mind again. We were going to High School. We were going to the Underworld on Earth. We were going to spend two years of 'education', aka drama and parties and feelings and heartbreaks and relationships. We, demigods, were going to High School.
I still couldn't believe it.  Goode High School, the place where Percy used to go to with Rachel Elizabeth Dare.

"Hey Chris, knock knock!" All of our heads turned to a grinning Connor, who's arm was around a sleeping Miranda.

Clarisse groaned while Chris answered with a smile, "Who's there?"
"Interrupting Cow!"
"Um, Interupti-" "MOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!"
Since Travis and I were in the seat in front of Connor, I took the liberty to stand up and smack Connor in the head. "OW! WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!??!" A burst of laughter escaped everyone's mouth, except Reyna's, of course.

The laughter woke Miranda up. "Alright, what did my idiotic boyfriend do?" She said in a groggy voice without even knowing what had happened. Connor looked at her in disbelief, shocked that that was the first thing she said. That just made all of us laugh harder!

Travis pulled me back down, making me lay against his back. Hey, I wasn't complaining! I could feel him playing with my long, wavy, red hair as I sunk into his chest, loving every moment with him. I smiled, wishing this could always happen. The laughter soon died down, then everyone started to comfortably talk about completely random things, like their favorite ice cream flavor. Travis and I were just enjoying the warmth of each other.

It stayed like that for a few minutes, when the breaks screeched and all of us leached forward, thumping into the seat in front of us or crashing onto the hard bus floor. Groans escaped everyone's mouth, and Clarisse AND Reyna looked like they were going to just walk right up to the Driver, Jules Albert, but Nice stopped Reyna and Chris stopped Clarisse. Travis must have thought this was funny because his chest was moving up and down, obviously him trying to laugh without making a sound. Jason then said in a very Fatherly voice "Well, I guess that means we were here, wherever that is! everyone out and get your stuff from the back!"

"Woah there, Jason, you don't have to be such a DAD!!!"

"Leo, I was just saying what we should do, maybe YOU should listen!!" Jason snapped back at Leo, who in my mind, just made s harmless joke. "Hey Superman, maybe you should get some rest, you're a little grumpy okay?" Piper said to Jason, obviously using Charmspeak in her voice because I automatically felt the sudden need to fall asleep. I violently shook myself, helping Travis out of the trance too by hitting him. "Katie-Kat!! You hurt meeeee!" he whined. I just gave my childish boyfriend a smirk, then got up from my seat, grabbed my bags, then walked off the bus. Everyone else followed me, not really paying attention to what was around us, just complaining about the long ride.

We hear a quite "Holy Hera", then all of us turn and see what was in front of us. A gasp escaped my mouth as I marveled at the beautiful, well, mini-Olympus-Mantion that was in front of us. I dropped my bags, but apparently I wasn't the only one. A chorus of bags and suitcases hit the ground as we all took in what was in front of us.

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