Exploration CH9

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We hear shuffling inside, then the door swings open, showing a smiling Rachel Elizabeth Dare covered in paint. "Well it's about time you found me!" Here, I'll show you to your rooms.

Travis Stoll (POV)
My room- oh boy my room was so much like me. It had pranking supplies and pictures all over the walls of me and everyone I loved. There was a huge bed, and everything around the room was decorated with my favorite colors. Me and Connor's room were even connected!!!!!

I expected every one else's room to be similar to mine, but still different, according to whoever the person was. I then attached my Key Card to my lanyard, and then put it around my neck and under my shirt for safekeeping. I walked out of my room, seeing basically everyone else (except Red, she was too busy painting) walk out of their room at the same time. I walk over to Katie, who is talking to Miranda and who's back is to me, and I wrap my arms around her waist, resting my head on hers. She pays no attention to me and neither does Miranda, they both just continue with their conversation. I chuckled to myself, thinking how funny it was that she would just keep on talking even though I was right against her.

My thoughts about my girlfriend were soon interrupted by a bouncing Leo. He was tinkering incredibly fast with something I'm guessing he found in his room, shouting "WELL WHAT ARE WE WAITING FOR? LETS EXPLOR THIS PLACE!!". We all walked-well, except Leo, he skipped-to the elevators. "We're do you want to go first?" Clarisse said the training room, elbowing Chris which made him say training room too. Annabeth and a few more girls, including Katie, said the Study Room/The Library. But the floor that got the most votes (all of the guys wanted this) was the garage. Everyone was okay with that because they wanted to see their cars too. Leo, Jason, and Percy acted cool on the way down, but once we all stepped out, they sprinted to find their own personal car.

Percy Jackson (POV)
I was practically sprinting down the
isles of cars, just gawking at each and every one of the beauties in front of me. Did I mention that they were all the same cars, just all in different colors or designed differently? There were twenty 2014 Aston Martin Vanquish Volante's lined up, one by one.

I am just going to name each person and the color of their car.
Chris-Sunset Red
R.E.D. (Red)-Whole variety of colors splattered on
Reyna-Dark Purple
Katie-Dark Green
Travis-Orange on the sides, blue down the middle
Connor-Blue down the sides, orange down the middle
Jason-Royal Blue
Piper-Baby Blue
Hazel-Lilac Purple
Frank-Striking Red
Leo-Black with flames painted on the front and sides
Juniper-Lime Green

I am happy to say that I, Perseus Jackson, was the one to suggest us all take out cars for a spin. It was Jason, however, to ask, "Well how do we get out?".

Leo had already jumped into his car, then pressed a button on the top of the car, next to the mirror. Then, you could hear things humming as the ground literally started to descend, stopping at an angle that was like how cars moved from level to level in a parking deck. All of our cars were facing that way, so we all guessed that that was the way we were supposed to come and go from the Garage.

I hoped in my car, and then everyone else followed my lead. We left from the right end to the left end, synchronizing how we drove out from underground to ground level. We were about 20 minutes from town of other people, so we just drive up and down the street, happy out of our minds that we were actually driving. Demigods and driving don't usually go together, ever. It was amazing.

Clarisse La Rue (POV)
I gotta admit, driving was almost as fun as cutting off a training dummies' limb. The thrill of the wind in my face as a sped down the road was incredible. Soon, we all went back to the house, in a mixed up order as when we left but our parking and timing was still as synchronized as ever. Man, we were gonna look badass walking into school on Monday, I just know it.

We then split up and explored the rest of the house in whatever order we wanted. Even though I WAS excited for school and how awesome we were gonna be, I  still had an uneasy feeling in my stomach that was telling that something was going to go wrong this year. Maybe even on the first day.

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