I remember when I first saw him.

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Author's Note: If you're anything like me, you will cry at some point during this. I cried writing it, I'm not afraid to admit. I'm just going to post one chapter a day to keep that suspense in there. This originally started out as a one shot, but I decided I had to get you guys to fall in love with the characters more before I ripped your hearts out and then crushed them with an anvil. IF YOU DON'T WANT TO BE SAD, DON'T READ THIS. MY ENTIRE POINT TO WRITING THIS WAS TO MAKE YOU SAD! Ok now that I'm done shouting... *hehe* follow me at e.l.l.i.e.s.m.i.l.e on Instagram! *le shamelessly self promotes* k im srsly dun just enjoy.

I remember when I first saw him.

Mark shrugged his coat on, the black fur that surrounded the hood soft against his neck. The coat was Mark's favorite, it was red with black checker print and it had the soft black fur laced with grey that surrounded the hood. It was so warm and comfy, and he loved it. He always made sure it smelled fresh, and whenever he wore it he left the hood hanging down, as he loved the feel of the fur on his neck.

Mark opened his mahogany door and stepped out into the snow, tugging on China's leash gently.

"Cmon Chica, this will be a great walk!"

She barked, finally exiting the house and cheerfully trotting after Mark.

The snow was lightly falling, and there was just about a foot on the ground, the perfect amount. The trees stood bare with a light dusting of snow on the branches, except for a few pine trees which broke the blanket of white.

Mark sighed happily. He loved snow. He let it fall into his hair and sit on his eyelashes, and his nose grew cold as he began walking, pausing every now and then to let Chica sniff a tree or bush.

The snow was wonderful, and Mark let peace overtake him completely.

Soon, he reached the coffee shop down at the end of his block. He walked in, and the girl running the counter smiled at him, ready to take his order. A few people sat here and there around the shop, but it wasn't too busy.

Mark loved the place. He would walk Chica down there every weekend, and he had gotten to know the counter girl a little and a couple of other regular customers. The shop also had a nice "all dogs allowed" policy. On one side of the warm shop, they sold little trinkets and such, which Mark loved to look through. They were silly little things, like cheesy cozies and cookie cutters and pocket knives with names on them. The owner of the shop was also apparently a writer, and she sold the books she wrote there.

Mark sometimes bought things, like one of the pocket knives and sometimes some of the books. They were always full of action and adventure, contrary to the shops environment. Mark loved a good thrill.

He had never met the owner, since Zoe the counter girl was the only one who actually interacted with customers. He had occasionally seen Dennis, the guy who made all the pastries and roles, come out from the back, but never the owner. Apparently she only came in during the week, and Mark was only there on weekends. It was a shame, really. He loved her work, and thought should like to meet her.

Basically, the shop was Mark's haven, especially on cold days like these. Mark's house was nice, but he just loved the gentle chatter and the smell of coffee.

Mark walked up to the counter.

"Hi Mark, what can I get for you today?"

"Um, a latte please."

"Whipped cream?" She smiled.

"Yes please, as usual."

As she mixed Mark's latte, she made small talk with him.

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