I remember that day at the carnival.

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Author's Note: Don't ask why it's all third person, it just started out like that and I wanted to be consistent (for once). XD I have trouble being consistent... *ahem*chapter size*ahem* ...so I'm just going to try and not worry about it. This A/N is already too long... Buh bye then!

I remember that day at the carnival.

Mark dragged Jack toward the rides. Jack screamed the whole way through. He kept his eyes closed, and he was dreading one thing more than anything else. The Ferris wheel. It was so high up. They had walked past earlier, and Jack had to strain his neck to see the top car. Soon, the carnival grew dark, and the rides lit up.

The Ferris wheel's rainbow of lights filled the night sky in all their glory. Mark's eyes glimmered as he looked at it, and he grabbed Jack's hand, pulling him towards it.

Jack was terrified, but he could see how Mark's eyes sparkled, and he found himself agreeing to ride it.

They got into a car, just the two of them, and they started to be pulled into the air. Jack looked down, and he gulped. He squeezed his eyes shut, hoping it would all go away.

"Oh Jack... Is little jacky afraid of heights?"

Jack just whimpered, bracing his hands tightly against the edge of the car.

"Awh c'mon Jack..."

"Nope. Nononononononope!"

"Jack... Open your eyes. You have to see this."

Mark's voice was full of wonder this time, and Jack reluctantly opened his eyes. He froze.

They were over a hundred feet in the air, and Jack couldn't move. This was where he was going to die. They neared the top, and Mark put his arms around Jack, grabbing his wrists.

"It'll be okay Jack... Let go."

"What?" Jack managed to croak.

"Let go."

Mark gently tugged on Jack's wrists, pulling his hands away from the edge of the car. Jack was shaking now, he was so scared.

"Ok Jack. You're going to be ok. Just look at the city. Isn't it beautiful?"

Jack stared over the city. Mark was right. It was beautiful.

"I'm here Jack. I'm not going to let you go."

Jack slowly relaxed into Mark's arms. He stared out over the sparkling city. It really was beautiful.

Mark watched as Jack's eyes filled with wonder, replacing his fear.

"I love you Jack."

"I- I love you too."

There they stood, at the top of the Ferris wheel, staring out at the city, smiling.

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