I remember when I first kissed him.

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Author's Note: If you haven't read my other stories, please know that there will be chapterly author's notes. I always have something to say. I don't care if you read these, but you probably aren't if you already don't want to *what* because I don't read them either on other peoples... Ok so I'm very sorry, but the chapters get gradually shorter and shorter until they are just 3 paragraphs. It couldn't be helped, it's just the way it turned out. If you are willing, please comment it makes my day. Let's get on with it already... Enjoy!

I remember when I first kissed him.

Mark combed through his hair one last time, sighing. He might as well look nice at this shitty party, who knew, maybe he would find someone.

Mark hadn't slept well last night. He hadn't been able to get the guy from the coffee shop out of his head.

He checked the address one more time before driving to the party. This time, he wore a blue flannel and skinny dark jeans. When he got to the party, he walked in, and lights were everywhere.

People danced to booming music, filling the room, and there was even a snack bar. Some people already looked drunk, and Colorful lights flashed throughout the dark room. The DJ yelled things in between the lyrics of the songs, and Mark's ears were already pounding. Mark crept along the sides of the dance floor, and he stood there, watching people grinding against each other.

After about 20 minutes of this, the music suddenly stopped, and the DJ yelled "KARAOKE TIME BABY!"

Everyone turned towards one side of the room.

A couple people sang songs, and Mark was enjoying himself a bit more. Then, his jaw dropped. It was Jack!

He nervously walked up to the room and started singing. Mark supposed he had a pretty fair voice, but he was more interested in the fact that he was actually there. After he was done, Mark walked up to him.

"Hey Jack, it's Mark from the coffee shop, remember?"

"How could I forget?"

Mark laughed a little.

"That was pretty good!"


"Sorry we got off on the wrong foot, can we start over?"

"Yeah! Sure!"

Mark was falling more in love with this man every moment. He seemed energetic, and funny, and perfect.

They got into conversation, and Mark ended up mentioning he liked to sing.

"You should do karaoke!"

"No way..."

"Yes you should! Your voice is so deep and nice, I can't imagine how your singing will be!"

Jack thought his voice was... nice?

This game Mark a spurt of confidence.

"Alright then!"

He walked to the front of the room.

Jack thought he would need more persuading, but he was happy he was going to hear Mark's singing voice. His regular voice was so mesmerizing, he hoped Mark's singing would be as wonderful as he anticipated.

Mark started singing.

The whole room turned to him.

"Short steps... Deep breath... Everything is, alright."

Jack's eyes widened, and he allowed himself to sink into Mark's voice. It was so beautiful.

"Chin up... I can't... Step into the, spotlight."

People started slow dancing, and Jack was smiling now. Even if this man had completely ruined his coat yesterday, he was growing on Jack.

"She said... I'm sad... Somehow without any words... I just... Stood there... Searching for an answer..."

By the end of the song, Jack's eyes had teared up, along with everyone else in the room. The applause was booming. Mark bowed before walking back over to Jack.

"I know I'm not the best but... I took singing lessons..."

"Mark! SHUT UP! Just SHUT YOUR FACE! You should be in a band!"

"You really think so...?"

"Of course! You're amazing!"

"Wow, that means a lot! You seem really nice Jack!"

"You too Mark."

Jack and Mark ended up talking for about an hour. It turned out they had a lot in common, and Jack was really starting to like this guy.

Jack was on his third beer, and he was pretending not to be drunk to try and maintain his reputation as an Irishman, although he was in reality a lightweight. Mark said he couldn't drink, he had some condition or something.

Mark laughed at Jack's stupid joke.

"I'm gayyyy." Jack's voice was slurred, and he was just drunk enough to be confessing his whole life to a stranger, but not too drunk to forget it in the morning.

"Are you really?" Mark raised his eyebrows.

"For you!" Jack didn't worry about the consequences of his actions.

"Jack... You're drunk."

Jack pressed his lips into Mark's. He didn't care. Mark was just so gorgeous. Mark kissed back, and he could taste the beer on Jack's lips. The kiss wasn't magical, it was just... Nice. Mark could feel the drunkenness as he kissed him, his lips moved sloppily. But they were soft. He could feel Jack's stubble against his chin. Jack stepped back a little after about half a minute. Mark looked slightly confused, but also happy.

"Jack... It's getting late for me... I've got to go."

Jack was too drunk to notice the piece of paper that Mark tucked into his back pocket.

"Bye Marky!"

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