I remember when he first held me.

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Author's Note: So hmmm... What to talk about today? SWEAR WARNING IN THIS CHAPTER SORRY! I'm just trying to fit with the personalities of Mark and Jack, who do in fact, swear... Sorry. But yeh, Y'know you can leave a comment if you would like to write with me or anything... *sniffles* pls I need friends. All my real friends are not into the youtubers I'm into, and all my internet friends... Wait no. That's right. I have no internet friends. Help pls? Oh well... I know you don't care... Just read the chapter already.

I remember when he first held me.

Jack didn't remember much beyond the point where he had said goodbye to Mark, but he woke up on a park bench.

He immediately groaned.

Wow, Jack. You really fucked things up for yourself didn't you. You fucking kissed him! And then he left the party! Oh my god...

Jack had lost hope of ever seeing the gorgeous man again. He eventually figured out where he was, although unsure how he got there. He went back to his apartment and called in sick from his job as an assistant teacher at the elementary school. He loved little kids, and he really enjoyed his job. It was only half day though, and he had lots of free time.

He did have a massive hangover though, and he didn't want to do much.

It was about two days after the party when Jack was doing laundry. He was still lamenting over the loss of his newfound crush, and he had cleaned his entire apartment to distract himself. Now he was distracting himself more.

He looked through all the pockets of his jeans before tossing them into the washer, making sure not to accidentally wash a spare coin. It was an old habit, his ma used to do it. Jack remembered all the things she had saved by doing that simple check; phones, wallets, headphones, and even the keys to the house.

As Jack checked through his last pair of jeans, he felt a small slip of paper in the left back pocket. He frowned, confused, and pulled it out. He didn't remember putting any paper in his pocket...

He unfolded the sip and just sat there a little while, stunned.



So he hadn't ruined everything with that kiss?

He threw the jeans into the dryer and picked up his phone. He dialed the number.



"Jack! I thought you'd never call!"

"I only just found ta slip..."


"So did I fuck everything up, or what.... I'm so sorry Mark, I was drunk... I-"

"Nononono Jack you didn't fuck anything up!"


Mark laughed a little.

"So do you want to come over and play games?"


Mark gave him the address, and soon enough Jack was pulling into his driveway.

Mark's apartment was a lot nicer than his own.

He walked inside.

"Hi Jack!"

"Hi Mark!"

They hugged awkwardly, leaving Jack's face burning.

"So what do you want to play? I've got fallout, call of duty, Minecraft, Mario cart-"

Jack perked up at the mention of Mario cart.

"Mario cart!"


Soon they were playing Mario cart, and Jack had beat Mark at every level so far.

"Hah! That's what ya get for trying to beat the bossitronio ya smelly!" Jack yelled as he crossed the finish line, winning first place for the seventh time.

Mark laughed, but he did want to beat Jack. Then, he looked over at Jack and smiled deviously as an idea came to his head.

"Hey Jack..."


"Why don't we play rainbow road..."

"Noooooo! You've found my weakness!"

Jack fell back on the couch. Mark was already selecting rainbow road, forcing Jack to sit up and play.

About halfway through, Mark was neck and neck for first with link, and Jack was in twelfth place. He desperately tried to turn, but he was going too fast and his turns all went off the edge. He was getting more and more frustrated, and he nearly threw his controller when Mark passed the finish line in first place, letting out a victory whoop.

Jack finally finished the level before sitting with his elbows on his knees and his face resting on his elbows, moping.

Mark giggled.

"Hey, I didn't mope around when I lost any of the levels!"

Jack just let out a frustrated huff.

Mark laughed a bit more. Jack's face was all red and his bushy eyebrows were quirked downward. His eyes looked angry, but not real anger only annoyance. His green hair was all scuffed up, and his bottom lip stuck out, pouting. He was adorable.

"Aww Jack, you're so cute when you're frustrated."

Jack looked up, startled.

"R- really?"

"Frankly, you're adorable."

"You... Like me?"

"Well you're the one who kissed me two nights ago... That wasn't just you being drunk, right?"

Mark sounded a bit frantic, hoping Jack actually liked him.


It was almost a whisper, Jack's voice was so quiet.

Mark carefully set down his controller, taking Jack's too. Jack just sat there, looking a little frightened. Mark gently put his hands on Jack's arms, before he kissed him softly. Jack tensed up, frozen, before kissing back. Mark's brain felt like it was on fire, and Jack's lips moved smoothly against his own. His lips were still soft, but they just tasted like Jack now, and there was no heavy stench of booze that lingered on him. He was a great kisser. They stayed like that for a while, kissing, Mark's hands on Jack's arms. Then, Jack gasped a little into the kiss.


Mark pulled away, and looked intensely into Jack's blue eyes. Jack felt his face grow bright red, and he nervously smiled.

"You're cute when you're flustered."

Mark kissed him again, letting his hands slip down to Jack's waist and pull him closer. Their chests were pressed against one another, and Jack was practically on Mark's lap.

They pulled away for air.

Mark just smiled, still holding Jack.

"Wanna watch a movie?"

"S- sure!"

They ended up watching the exorcist, and Jack squealed at one of the jump scares, latching on to Mark. Mark just laughed a little and put his arm around Jack.

Jack drove home after they finished the movie.

He didn't sleep that night.

Jack didn't sleep much normally, but that night he was too surprised that someone as gorgeous as Mark would love him. He ended up drawing Mark, and when he was done, the mark on the paper looked almost as beautiful as real Mark.

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