I remember the day we planned our whole lives together.

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Author's Note: Had trouble with the title.... :P Enjoy this happy chapter while you can... Mwahahahaha.

I remember the day when we planned our whole lives together.

They had just bought a house, and Mark sat in the backyard, his arm around Jack. They stared up at the stars, feeling the grass under their fingers.

"I love you so much Jack."

"I love ya too Markimoo."

Mark pecked Jack on the cheek.


"Yes Jacky?"

"Do ya ever think about... Us?"

"What do you mean?"

"Like the future us. Will we be married? Have kids?"

Jack picked at the grass.

"Of course I think about that Jack! All the time actually. We'll have a little girl."

Jack giggled.

"Yes! And we'll name her Sam."

"And we'll have a nice big house in the suburbs, and send our daughter to a nice school."

Jack smiled.

They fell asleep like that, lying in the grass.

She Remembers. (A Septiplier Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now