I remember the funeral.

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Author's Note: It's too late for me... I'm dead inside.

I remember the funeral.

Jack cried as his sisters held him, his sobs cutting through the crisp, cold air as the priest gave a eulogy. Then it was his turn. His eulogy had all been written in his room, late at night, crying. He knew it wasn't very good. But he didn't think that was the kind of thing Mark would care about. Mark had only cared about what he did and the decisions he made while he was alive, and when he couldn't do those things and make those decisions, he had ended it. And he had destroyed Jack inside.

He walked up to the podium, still crying, not caring who saw. He stepped on, and his body was slumped, and he looked so broken. Everyone was crying.

"I can't even talk about this in a way that is any way the amount of respect Mark deserves. He was so... Nice to me even when I was a complete stranger. He was nice to everyone, even when he didn't feel good himself. And... He had asked me to marry him."

Jack held up his hand, the engagement ring never left his finger.

"And I loved him, and what happened can't be explained. And I still just want nothing more than to see that smile again. And I know I can't. It hurts... So... Much..."

It was short. The tears fell, and Jack barely made his way back to his seat.

When everyone went up to look in the coffin, Jack took his time, staring down at his fiancé's blank face. Jack didn't care, he kissed him. He kissed Mark's dead body, and he knew he would never move on. Never ever.

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