Chapter sixxxx

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Just because I'm doing a percabeth story, doesn't mean I won't do the rest of the seven + Nico, Reyna ect. Yes. Enjoy.

Reyna's pov~

Watching Leo work was extremely boring.

I was waiting for him to finish working when the dinner conch sounded and I jumped up, but Leo didn't hear it. "Gods, Leo. The dinner c-" he hushed me by putting his hand to my face. "Hush, child. Can't you see Leo's working?" I sat back down. "Leo the dinner conch just sounded. We have to go." He looked at the clock and set down his wrench. "Oh. Lets go." We ran out to the dinner pavilion and took our seats just at the first table scrapped in some food. His table was next and then it was mine. "Bellona, if you even reach thus camp. Thank you." Them I walked back to my table and I sat down.


After dinner, I got up to get ready for capture the flag.

Okay. Procrastination. Lol. Anyway, I like chocolate cake. Annnyway, miniature Jeyna rant.

Even though I don't have the slightest ship for them, I really hate Jason's guts. I feel FUCKING bad for Reyna. Jason broke her heart. Reyna was here for him, and he started to have feelings for Piper when he knew who Reyna was. The fuck. Seriously guys. Jason is a fucker. F-u-c-k-e-r. I hate him and you know what? Leo would be lucky to have her; aside from him and Nico, she's the strongest. I feel so bad for her I might cry. She's been though so much. Ily Rey; stay strong. Jason doesn't deserve you.

And so it shall be. (A Percabeth story)Where stories live. Discover now