Chapter Ellen

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(Ellen tho)

Percy's pov~

So yeah. Married to my BFF like lol idek I can't think shit rn okay

(If you don't know what that means get a life okay gosh)

(That was mean)

(Idek= I don't even know. Rn= right now)

So, the seven plus Nico and Reyna and Thalia- whom thought the wedding started exactly two seconds after it ended, maid of honor my ass- (Grover and Juniper were asleep already- pregnant nymphs, such a hassle) were swimming in the canoe lake, in our... Underwear. Yes. Annabeth's bra was bright... Blue. I did, in fact, "get hard", as Piper called it. Why she's looking at my penis, I don't think I'll know. Nor do I want to.

So Annabeth and I were standing closer too the dock embracing as our friends were swimming out farther into the night.

I squeezed her butt and she made a little noise and I but her over my shoulder, she breathed in to cry out but I shushed her.

Now that I was a married man, I could do anything I wanted. Even, whoops break the condom. Sorry Athena and Poseidon. I want a baby.

"Percy," Annabeth called sexily. "Are you ready?"

"Um, yes?"

She walked out of the bathroom wearing the dress thing Hazel got her. She looked like a billion drachmas, and I would pay the max everyday for her even if I had to kill or steal from people just to get the Grecian money.

The slid onto the bed and kissed me-wait... Bed? When did we get a bed?

Haha I lied next chapter babies are conceived

Yeah Rick owns pjo and hoo

#romesux #gogreeks #idek #pjo #hoo #randomthoughtswithvictoria #MountVesuvius #yaydeath

And so it shall be. (A Percabeth story)Where stories live. Discover now