Okay fine... Chapter baby percabeth, aww so cute, killing medusa an shit yeah

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(Chapter 12. I couldn't come up with anything better, so yeah. Maybe I could have done chapter twerk but it should be baby percabeth- you get the idea)

Annabeth's pov~

"Wha-when did we get this bed?!" Percy looked at it, startled. "I payed for finished, but not a bed!"
"Seaweed brain!" I kissed him. "Did you think that our wedding night would go on without a bed?"
"No," he said firmly, "but where did you get it?"
"Well... Remember when we were twelve?" He nodded. "Do you recall the guy who sold those beds. The one who made me taller than you for five years or something?" He nodded slower that time. "Well, he remembered me and I threatened to kill him unless he sold me a bed without trying to kill me. So," I gestured to the bed, "here it is."
He looked startled. "How much did you pay?"
I smirked. "Ten drachmas."
"That's it?!"
"Yep." I kissed him again.
He looked nervous. "Are you... Ready?"
"As ready as I'll ever be," I smiled to reassure him. Me, personally, was ready to start, even if it meant pain. I'll love this man though Tartarus; oh wait, already did that.

HAHAHAHAHA cliffhanger two

And so it shall be. (A Percabeth story)Where stories live. Discover now