Corporal! Levi x Vocaloid! Reader

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LOL the chapter name maybe confusing but... Whatevs
(Corporal! Levi x Vocaloid! Reader) A performance that turned into destiny
-(Third Person POV)-
"Oi! Levi! Shorty! Have you heard that the famous Vocaloid, (F/N) (L/N) is perfoming live here at the scouting legion since its Christmas?!" Hanji shouted literally directly at Levi's ear. With so, he got pissed and told Hanji to SHUT THE FUCK UP. "Yeah, Yeah. I've heard about it. Its over there, stupid" Levi pointed at the poster on which announces (F/N)'s live performance at the scouting legion. After showing her the poster, they began to walk towards the cafeteria to eat lunch. While walking, Hanji began to talk about how great (F/N) is. "Ne ne, Shorty, did you know that (F/N) wear this clothing cause its like hologram that changes her clothes onto different clothes?!" Hanji said to him while holding up the picture.

 "Ne ne, Shorty, did you know that (F/N) wear this clothing cause its like hologram that changes her clothes onto different clothes?!" Hanji said to him while holding up the picture

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"What the... Do you always have pictures of the (F/N) what nut and act like a stupid fucking fangirl?!" Levi finally snapped.
*Le time skipppp*
It was finally nighttime. The time which all of the boy cadets have been waiting for. The time of the famous Vocaloid, (F/N) (L/N). All of the cadets were on the stadium waiting for (F/N). They began cheering. "(F/N)-Sama!!!" "(F/N)-Sama!!!". After a few minutes later, she then came out. And started singing her famous song, The Snow White Princess Is...

"She's quite interesting. But, how did her clothes change?" Erwin asked while still watching her performance. "Oh, its cuz her clothes is hologramic that it can change into other clothes. That's why its Awesome, Eyebrows!"
*After the performance*
Levi asked (F/N) to talk a bit and they did. They became friends and friends turned to great friends, great friends turned into best friends, best friends soon turned into boyfriend and girlfriend, and they happily got married...

Okay, first I want to say sorry cuz this is short. I was in a hurry. So yea. Bai.
|344 words|
See you~~♡

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