(2) Levi x Tsundere! Reader

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Le part tw0!!! Also I changed my mind since a few of you didnt want a lemon...

Levi took this opportunity and got out of his grip and held (Y/N)'s wrist and lead her to his office

"What the hell do you think were you thinking?! GAH I hate you!" (Y/N) said as she got out of his office making a huge bang worrying the cadets next door.

"What was I thinking?! Are you even taking me seriously?!" Levi yelled making such a huge crowd surround them not only shocked but started whispering each other saying,

"There's an unwritten rule that Corporals can't have both rosario"

"What's a rosario?"

"A rosario has a meaning. It means mutual love. Corporals can't have both rosario for each other"

With the huge ruckus that he had caused. He regretted it. The Chief Commander came also into the crowd, "What is the meaning of this  Corporal Levi, Corporal (Y/N)?"

It was true that me and Levi had a rosario. It was meant for each other. We didn't know how to hide it so we fought pretendingly. Whatever we said weren't true. Instead, the things we were blabbering has deeper meanings. "Stop playing with your goddamn food! It's annoying!!" he once said to me. It may sound harsh but it meant, 'Eat properly'. So we countinued it. But today's situation are much different. What should we do---- Huh?

(Y/N) stopped her thoughts we she----

"How about we just ended everything with a duel? In that idea, we would more likely to either kill each other or which one will be the first one to slice each others neck" Levi said seriously yet mockingly

"So are you saying its either kill or be killed?" (Y/N) also replied

"Yes" he just said

What is he thinking....?!

"Fine" I just replied even though Im all over the place on the inside

''' Outside '''

The atmosphere was heavy. The two that were once together... Are now holding the blades on their hands pointing at each other... They were about to start

"I hope you take me seriously before I slice up that neck of yours in one flash" Levi said rising up his blade for a bit

Is he thinking that we'll be fighting for real?!

(Y/N), within confusion, just nodded...





Levi took the first move sliced her neck, well at least tried. But (Y/N) didn't lose her strength. She blocked the attack

He's giving it all of what he's got... Then I shall too!!

She then aimed at his left side but he avoided. When they got back to their spaces, they both ran to each other and aimed for one thing. Each other's necks

''' Infirmary '''
The two woke up and looked at each other....

"KYAAA! I didn't think that plan would've work!" she squealed at shock and joy

"Good thing they fell for it... You did great brat----" he started and took something on their pockets

They both revealed their cracked in half, rosario "---For breaking our rosario" he ended... "Well took me some time to notice but when we were about to start, you keep to emphasize 'throat' then our rosario popped onto my head and got the idea!" she just laughed...

Levi stood up and held her hands.
"Our love may not be on physical things like necklaces, but I promise, the time when we will truly be together will come true. So please wait for me until its only correct for me to marry you... So wait for me and dont be such a brat"

(Y/N) just smiled. Levi and (Y/N) got close to each other and----

The door suddenly opened revealing Erwin and Hanji.

(Y/N) and Levi got shocked so they pretended to fight
"GAH you bratttt"

"Dont call me that dumbass!!!"

"Woahhh! They just woke up and they already started fighting!!" Hanji just laughed it off

"They never get old... They are just so childish" Erwin just commented holding them big ass eye brows

Theres a new episode for Yuri!!! On Ice!.... It gets even gay(y)er... I cant stop fangirlinggg!!! Its suuuu guddd for my hearttt....
Anyway! Thanks again for reading this lil chapter, hope you like it!

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See you~~♡

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