[1] the lord's son

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Ladies and gentlemen, readers of all ages, welcome to the very first chapter of The Evil

(edit): In my opinion, the first couple of chapters are incredibly cringy, but I'd like to think that my writing quality has improved. :)

(edit ii): i actually hate this book but you people love it, so i'll try to make it better for everybody's mental health. 



| 1: The Lord's Son (JIN) |



"JIN!" someone from the other side of his door yelled. "YOU BETTER OPEN THIS DOOR RIGHT NOW!"

Jin sighed, muttering in annoyance as he sat on his bed in a huff.

The constant banging on his door didn't seem to bother Jin. He was used to it at this point. After a while, the banging stopped and the grumbling moved away. 

A lighter, kinder voice asked, "Jin? Are you in there?"

Jin softened immediately as he recognized the voice of his mother, the woman who seemed to be there for him no matter what. "Yeah."

"Jin, open the door. Your father and I are worried about you."

Jin glared at the floor, crossing his arms over his dusty tunic. "More like Father's worried about his reputation."

Jin could hear his mother sigh in disappointment. "Jin... open the door."

Jin cursed angrily, before coming to a consensus. "Fine. But only if Father's not out there with you."

Jin could hear the pair arguing.

"Let me speak to my son!"

"You and I both know that won't do anybody any good."

They carried on arguing until the stomping faded away and his mother's victory was obvious.

"Your father is in the Throne Room, Jin. Now, open the door, please," his mother said. 

Jin got up, walking over to the door. He unbolted and slowly opened it. True to his mother's word, Jin's father was nowhere in sight. Jin's mother stood outside of his room, still wearing her gown and tiara.

"Jin." Jin's mother spread her arms for a hug.

Jin hesitated. He was fifteen, and his father was training him to become a Lord. Fifteen-year-old soon-to-become-Lords did not hug their mothers. But this time was an exception. Jin was stressed out and scared. A decade had passed. Jin was a teenager. He could be picked for the Seven. The group that his father had listed as demons.

He threw himself into his mother's waiting arms. Jin's mother stroked his hair like she did when he was a little boy.

She released Jin from her tight embrace, wrapping her soft hands around his. "Jin," she said gently. "Why did you go off with Sky again? I thought we told you that's dangerous."

"How is it dangerous?" Jin asked. "You know as well as me that it's not Red that's the best fighter we've got- it's Sky. Father only favors Red because Red doesn't take me monster-fighting."

"See?" his mother's brown eyes were full of disappointment. "Sky is taking you monster-fighting. What would happen if you got hurt? What would happen if you died, Jin? These are the things that your Father and I are worried about."

"The things that you are worried about," Jin corrected. "Father's only worried that I'll die, and then he won't have an heir to give him a break, or that his reputation would be even more ruined."

"Jin," his mother said, her voice taking on a more serious tone. "Let's put it this way: your father and I are both concerned about your safety."

Jin looked away.

"Please, Jin," Jin's mother pleaded. She sighed, seeming to realize that the argument was going nowhere. "At least promise me this. Promise me that if you do go monster-fighting, you'll always go with Sky. You won't journey outside of the castle without Sky. I see that I cannot stop you. I also see that it is not wise to stop you and Sky. I cannot do anything about your father, though."

Jin nodded solemnly. "Alright, Mother. I swear that I will not leave the castle without Sky."

Jin's mother hugged her son again. "Thank you, Jin. At least, by taking you monster-fighting, Sky is teaching you how to defend yourself. Is that so?"

Jin nodded. "Yes, Mother. Sky is teaching me how to use weapons. I would prefer this to not happen, but just in case the Evil makes it past the kingdom walls, then I will know how to fight to protect you."

Jin's mother smiled and kissed Jin's forehead. "You will do what is right. I'm sure of it."

"Thank you, Mother," Jin beamed at his mother.

Someone ran into the hall that Jin and his mother were standing in. Jin saw the armor of a guard, before looking at the guard's face and recognizing his best friend, Sky. 

He skidded to a stop, his cheeks red. "Oh! Um, hello, Your Majesty." He gave Jin's mother an awkward bow.

Jin's mother smiled gently at the young guard. "Hello, Sky. Keep my son safe, alright?"

Sky's cheeks turned a darker shade of red. "Um, alright, I promise, Your Majesty."

He looked at Jin. Does she know? He mouthed.

Jin nodded, giving him a thumbs-up.

"Remember your promise, Jin," his mother said, warning laced in her tone.

Jin ran over to Sky, standing beside his friend. He locked eyes with his mother. "I will."

He and Sky turned, sneaking out of the castle and into the dark of the night.


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And that was the first chapter of The Evil! I do hope you enjoyed, and I welcome you to read the rest of the book (hopefully without any screaming or dying or, well, you get the gist!)

- Phoenix


too many times to count.

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