Chapter 2: After School

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Sasuke's Point Of View~

I turned to see who was calling my name which was Naruto. He ran towards me, and I just stood there watching the blond with blue eyes come towards me.

"hmmm..?" I said and he finally made it to me. He then put his arm on my shoulder and looked at me in the eye.



"Do you want to got bowling with us, at 5pm?" He asked and looked at me with a serious face.

"I don't know.." I said slowly and his eyes grew bigger and put his hands together.

"Please..?" He plead. I just looked at him, other people started to stare at us.

"Fine." I said and he cheered. He jumped up and down, the rest of the gang came up to us. Even the girls.

"Did he say yes..?" Shikamaru asked and looked at me then Naruto. Naruto nodded his head and Shikamaru gave a smile. Hinata started to chat with Ino and Akio. Sakura just looked at the ground and set down her bookbag. Menma tapped her shoulder and smiled. The new feeling of jealously, came back again as I watched them together. Naruto patted my shoulder and he started another cigarette. He offered me one, but I denied it. I saw Mira over at the tree talking to her friends, she noticed me starting at her, and she walked over to me.

"Hey Sasuke!" Mira said and gave a small hug to me.

"Hey Mira." I said and returned the hug. Blank faces stared at us, Mira looked at them confused.

"What..?" Mira said and made a 'I don't know' look. I gave a shrug and looked away.

"Well, I'll see you later Sasuke." Mira said and happily skipped away. I waved goodbye and Naruto had just finished his cigarette. I started to walk away and Naruto quickly followed behind.

Naruto's Point Of View~

I watched the raven boy walk away, I then quickly ran after him. I knew Mira way to well, and to my surprise she gave Sasuke a hug. Does she have a crush on him? I thought trying to figure out what had happened between them two. I shooked my head and was to deep into my thoughts, to notice Sasuke calling me.

"Naruto..? You okay..? " Sasuke asked, but I gave no attention towards him. He then started to push me and I looked at him.

"Huh..? What..?" I said, and he made a sigh. It was just me and him. I'm glad he said he could go bowling with us, hopefully we can be really great friends. We just walked down the side walk and chatted and our bond grew more.

Akio's Point Of View

"Omg Ino, you're purse is so pretty!" I squealed and examined her purse. She gave a smile and looked at her purse.

"You think?" She said happily.

"Yeah! Where did you get it at?" I asked and continued to stare at the purple purse.

"The mall, of course." She said in dumb way, which I got offended by.

"Hey, I'm not a blond!" I yelled and she laughed. I felt a hand go over my mouth, I screamed and kicked. I looked over to see my sister holding my mouth. She then let go and I shot her a glare.

"What was that for!" I yelled and she gave me a annoyed face.

"Stop screaming, it's getting on my nerves Akio." Sakura said and then walked away, with Hinata following after her. I gave her the middle finger behind her back, and to my surprise. She knew I had the middle finger at her. She shot me one back, which shocked me. Sakura then started to talk to Hinata and then they were gone. I gave a sigh and continued to talk with Ino for a few more minutes, then left to walk home. It was quiet walking home, normally Sakura and I would walk home together. But not today, I guess. At least, I have some quiet time. I made it up to my house, and walked right in. There was Sakura on the couch, eating potato chips.

"What are you doing?" I asked, while setting down my stuff.

"Eatting, what does it look like I'm doing?" She hissed and continued to eat the chips.

"You're going to get fat."

"Shut up, you worry about your weight to much." She yelled. I was offended by the comment, and I just gave her a glare.

"At least, I'm prettier than you!" I yelled and stared at her. She gave me the middle finger, and got up from the couch and walked towards me.

"I'm glad, I'm not pretty as you! I'm glad, I don't even know how I can stand skanky ass girls like you Akio! All you do is nag, nag, nag. Talk about your weight and say you're prettier than everyone else! Stop being a bully like that redhead Karin, and be yourself! Not someone else, be you. Be you when you were younger! I know, I'm not the same girl, as I was younger. But I try to be, because I care!" Sakura yelled and stormed off. Tears were streaming down my face, she was right. But I like being this way, I want to change but also I don't want to. I went and sat on the couch and was thinking about, how I was younger. Time passed by and Sakura came down the hallway.

"Look.." Sakura said. I turned my face to her and interrupted her.

"I'm sorry, I've been a ass towards you." I said. She smiled and walked up to me and gave me a hug.

"Apology accepted, and I'm sorry for making you cry."

"How did you know, I was crying?" I said and looked at her.

"You're makeup was running, and I could hear the sobs."


"C'mon, let's get ready to go bowling." Sakura said and went into her room, I followed after and went into my room. Once we were changed Sakura came to me.

"Wow, you look pretty." She said and stared at me.

"Thanks, you to."

I was wearing a navy blue V-neck shirt with blue skinny jeans, with my boots. Sakura was wearing a 'Bring Me The Horizon' shirt and black skinny jeans with converse. The door bell ranged and we raced over to the door, which was Menma, Hinata and Ino.

"Hey Akio and Forehead." Ino said, and I laughed.

"Hey Piggy, and Hinata-chan." Sakura said and smiled.

"Hey Hinata-chan and Ino-chan, and Menma-kun!" I chirped.

"H-hi.. Akio-chan and S-Sakura-chan." Hinata said shyly. Menma waved and I waved back. I then walked out of the door, leaving for Sakura to close it.

Sakura's Point Of View~

I closed the door and walked after them. Menma walked next to me, while Akio was in the middle of Hinata and Ino. I looked up at Menma and our eyes met. We stared for a few seconds and then I broke it.

"Bing." my phone vibrated. I lifted it up and had a text from Naruto, saying him and Sasuke were already there with Shikamaru and Daichi. Akio snooped at the text and squealed. She has a major crush on Daichi. Akio then grabs Hinata and Ino's hands and dashes to the bowling place, leaving me and Menma by ourselves. We walked in silence for a few minutes.

"Hey Sakura, remember what I said this morning?"

"Yeah..? Why..?"

"I was wondering if you're still up for it?"

"Uh... w-we'll see.. haha." I said nervously.

"Let's hope we can." He then gave me a wink, and I blushed deeply. Moment's later, we arrived at the bowling center. Akio was all on Daichi, and Daichi looked like he was enjoying it. Naruto was smoking as usual and Hinata was near him. Ino was chatting with Shikamaru. Menma walked up and stood next to Naruto and Sasuke. I then walked up and sat on the curb, pulling out my iPod. Then someone tapped my shoulder, I was thinking it was Naruto. Actually it was Sasuke.

"Hey." Sasuke said, which scared me half to death.

"Hey Newbie." I smiled.

"You guys ready to go bowling?" Naruto asked. We all nodded and entered the building. The cashier gave us our shoes and the game table, the bowling balls were in a rack in the corner. Once I had my shoes on, I quickly picked my ball. With everyone doing the same thing. Other families were here also. Menma put in the people names for the game. Menma was first to go, so he went and scored a 8, then a 1. Sasuke went next and scored a strike, Shikamaru went afterwards and missed both times. Daichi was laughing at him and it was his turn, he bowled and got a 2 then a 3.

"Ha! Who's horrible also!" Shikamaru said.

"At least, my score is higher!" Daichi yelled.

"Please.. you know mine is the highest." Sasuke said with a smirk.

It was Hinata's turn, she got a spare. Ino went after her and got a 3, 6. Akio went next and got 4, 3. Finally it was my turn, I focused on the ball and the line. I then threw the ball making a spare also. It went on for about a few hours, with surprisingly Shikamaru winning. Daichi kept yelling, 'No fair! Rematch!'. It was getting late, Akio wanted to spend more time with Daichi. Sasuke asked me to walk me home and I accepted it. I was in the mood for company. As we were walking, I wanted to increase our bond.

"I see you like the bands I like." I said with a smile.

"Yeah, I never thought I would meet a girl with the same taste as me." He said with a chuckle.

"Hehe, Yup!"

"I'm getting popular, quick.."

"I bet you are Sasuke, especially those fan girls of yours."

Sasuke made a sigh and covered his head with his palm. "I know, how exhausting."

"Hey, I have fan boys also."

"Well, girls are more vicious."

"Yeah, I know. Haha.. Soo.."


"Got anybody you have a crush on yet? Who the lucky chic?"

"I don't have a girl crushes."

"So that means you're gay?" I said shocked.

"Hell No!!" Sasuke yelled and looked at me.

"Well, what do you mean?"

"There's no one that interests me right now." Sasuke said quickly.

"ooh, okay."

We were getting closer to my home and I walked up the drive way. I gave a wave towards Sasuke.

"See you later, bro." I yelled and smiled.

Sasuke said nothing but walked up to me.

"Huuh..? What's wrong Sasuke?" I asked puzzled. He then came and gave me a hug.

"See you tomorrow Sis." he said with a smirk and headed home.

Sasukes Point Of View~

When she called me bro, I couldn't help myself but give her a hug. She felt like a very special person to me, Im still trying to figure out mu feelings. Ever since dad passed away 10 years ago, from being brutally murdered. I couldn't forget that night, I was so scared. Sakura made me feel like, I had family again. I get jealous when she hangs out with Menma, I wonder if she's dating him?" I hope not, I don't want to see her hurt. My phone started to ring. I answered to find hat I was talking to my annoying older brother.

"Hello..?" I answered.

"Hey, Sasuke when are you coming home?" Itachi asked.

"I'm on my way, don't worry about me."

"I have to, its my job as a older brother." He said proudly and hung up on me, before I could even argue.
I walked quietly back home, I lived only 10 minutes away from Sakura. I just found out where she lives, and she lives close to me. With her annoying twin sister Akio. Akio is like my fan girl, and I don't like fan girls. Ever since I started school, I had fan girls. It was annoying, and every school I went to, I had fan girls. I entered the Uchiha Mansion and was greeted by my butler and maids.

"Welcome back, young master." my butler said.

"Thank you." I then walked into the family room. In the room was my mom sewing a blanket. Itachi was in there watching cartoons. I swear sometimes, I act older than him.

"Sasuke! Where were you?" my mother yelled.

"Bowling, with friends." I answered.

"Ooo, someone's getting in trouble." Itachi snickered.

"Shut up." My mom and I both said at the same time, and Itachi went quiet. Focusing on his cartoons. After getting a lecture about being out late and not letting anybody know, I went to my bedroom. I took a steamy shower and went directly to bed. My dog Tamaki came up and jumped on my bed and fell asleep. I then fell asleep also, letting the darkness take over me.

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