Chapter 5: Footsies?

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Chapter 5: Unexpected

Sakuras Pov~

I woke up to something licking my face. My eyes shot open and there was a dog licking me! I let out a yelp and pushed the dog off of me, but it came up on me again. I held on to it so it wouldn't lick my face. I could smell its breath, and it smelt horrible.

As I weakly pushing the dog away, the door barged open. As on que, the dog was alerted and jumped off of me sending a groan out of my mouth. I rubbed my eyes and saw who it was and it was Sasuke. He pet the dog and smiled at me, I smiled and sat up.

"Your hair is messed up." He said and pointed to my nappie messed up hair from my sleep. I laugh and he smiles again. "Did Zero hurt you or scare you?" He said with concern in his voice.

"Well he didnt hurt me, he just startled me." I gave a smile. Zero had its tongue out as Sasuke petted him. Zero looked relax from the petting, I'm surprised Zero didn't get in trouble. Now that I mention it, Zero is a very gorgeous puppy. He has silky blond hair and brown eyes, and the best part he's a lab. So adorable, I know.

Sasuke was wearing his adorable pajamas, hehe. While I got up from the bed.

"Well thank you for the night Sasuke." I politely said.

"It's alright Sakura, that's what I do." Sasuke said acting like the cool guy all of a sudden. His onyx eyes met my emerald and made contact with each other for a few moments until he broke it and turned his head. I was about to say something but my stomach started to growl. My cheeks began to rise with the heat, I was blushing. He looked at me and laughed. "You hungry?" Thats all it took, I shook my head yes and he gave a chuckle and walked over to me. I sat there frozen not knowing what to do. Until he pat me like a dog.

"Hey what's this for?" I say being stupid.

"A pat, duh." He said I could feel him giving himself a mental facepalm. Hey, in the morning I tend to act stupid sometimes.

"But seriously. Thanks for helping my ass last night." I said quietly, since I was embarrassed already.

"Now that you mentioned It Sakura, why did you get drunk?" He asked. I felt like I was frozen solid, I didn't move. The question repeated in my head a few times until my mind finally came back to earth. Sasuke startled me with his snapping when I zoned out.

"Uhh, I kind of wanted to try it out." I say putting in a lie. He starred me down and then shrugged. Haha, Im the best liar ever! Zero started to bark at me, which scared me even more. I almost jumped on to Sasuke. Luckily I didn't, or that would've been awkward.

We both walked downstairs to the kitchen. Mrs. Mikoto already made breakfast, I assumed from the smell of wonderful food. My eyes watered as I smiled to see the food on the table. There was a bowl of ramen that had meat and egg in it as decoration. To my opinion it tastes great.

"Ahh, it looks so good." I exclaimed.
Mrs.Mikoto smiled and handed me a bowl, right as I grabbed the bowl Itachi came down to the kitchen. I made sure to set down the bowl, just in case if he tried to scare me. Sasuke sat down and I decided to sit next to him. Itachi being slick sat in front of me. I started to eat until I felt something going up my leg. I stopped and looked under the table to see Itachi rubbing his leg on to mine. Is he trying to seduce me by playing footsie? I move my leg and he keeps getting closer and doing it. Sasuke doesn't notice it, nor does mrs. Mikoto. My cheeks go red and I turn my head.

"Ah, stop it." I finally said after that. My voice kind of seemed loud when I said that. Sasuke dropped his chopsticks and looked at me confused. Itachi played it off like nothing happened.

"Sakura, dear. Whats wrong?" Mrs.Mikoto asked.

"Oh uhh.." I said softly. Itachi eyed me carefully same as Sasuke.

"Just something I felt on my leg." I said giving a half way lie. Even though I did know what it was.

"Okay honey." she said and walked out of the room.

"I umm.. gotta go to the bathroom." I said excusing myself.

"Ill show it to you Sakura, since Sasukes eating still." Itachi Said with a smirk. I gulped and nodded. He walked ahead and I followed him.

"What the hell, was that?" I ask softly.

"What was what?" he said with a smirk.

"The footsie?" I questioned.

"Oh that, you didn't enjoy?"

"How am I suppose to?" He looked hurt about it but smirked.

"I'm just testing you out." He whispered an I jumped from his voice.

Hey guys! Is this chappie okay? Well sure it is xD
Well anyways sorry I couldn't update! I've been sick and I'm trying to recover! I know it sucks ;-; TT_TT

love you guys

Sasuke: She doesn't own Naruto or anything.

Sakura: Yup. Now continue to read?

Naruto: The next chapter shall be updated in a few days to a week, so stay tuned hehe.

Akio: Bye my fans hehe ^_^

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