Chapter 8- Sleepovers with everyone?? O_O part 1 out of 3

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Once I got home, and Akio chewing my ass out. She kept bringing up Menma and I was getting pissy about it.

"Come on tell me!" She yelled, with her brown eyes glaring.

"NO! AND THATS FINAL!" I screamed angrily. She jumped and shrugged.

"Fine, I'm inviting everyone we know for a sleepover." She whispered. I couldn't quite hear her so i rolled my eyes.

"Sure whatever." I shrugged and walked away and went inside my room. I turned my cd player on and starting playing motionless in white. I could hear Akio screaming telling me to turn it down, but you know I don't give a fuck. I turned the volume up louder and danced around. I ran into my bathroom while it was blarring the song "HateFuck." and i screamed to the top of my lungs.


Omg I can't believe she's playing that song. It's so dirty, but it's kind of sexy. I smirked and I walked over to the house phone and the book of contacts. I plan to invite everyone and play truth or dare with them. I dialed the first number which was my friends of course, Hinata and Ino! I called Hinata first.

"Hey Hinata, wanna come over and have a sleepover I'm inviting everyone! We're also having a party." I smiled as I talked through the phone. It took her a minute.

"D-DAD CAN I COME TO A-AKIO'S HOUSE?" She yelled and I jumped. Never knew she could yell that loud. After a moment of her screaming at her dad she spoke. "Yeah I can come A-Akio." she spoke. I just sighed and told her the time and went ahead and called the rest of my friends.

Sakura Pov~

I just decided to start cleaning my room now. While motionless In white was now playing creatures. I already got my shower about twenty minutes ago. I turned on my phone and flipped on my bed before cleaning. You see i can never clean because I'm so interested in my stuf I stop cleaning. Right as I was going to take off my clothes, Akio Bursts into the door. Scaring me, I actually pee myself because I was holding my bladder.

"Hey everyone's coming over.... Ew is that pee!!!?" Akio screamed.

"NOO ITS WATER AND WHAAAT!?!'' I yelled freaking out. Akio nodded grinning at me. I covered my crotch and looked at her shocked.

"What's with that face ?" Akio snickered.

"Why the hell would you invite boys also?!" I yelled. She shrugged.

"Everyone be over in a hour." She replied and walked out the door.

Man are you serious. What if someone try's taking my innocence away? I growled. Wait.. Sasukes going to be here.. OH SHIT! My face goes red as I dash into the bathroom to get a shower. I don't want him to see me like this or ill get made fun of.


Guys I'm sorry it was so long. I know I was suppose to update it a few days ago but the power went out. Can ya forgive me?


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