Saturday part 3: The Date

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I waved goodbye at the Uchihas, as I grabbed Akios arm. She whined and I dragged her out of the store.

"I wish I bought something there..'' I mumbled quietly. Akio yanked her arm away and looked at me funny.
"What?" I responded.

"How come you acted so rude to me in front of sasuke?" She asked. I gave a small grin and folded my arms.

"Is someone jealous?" I teased. Seeing her brown eyes light up. They looked like they were on fire, from her glaring at me to hard. She clinched her fist and continued to glare. I grin and pinch her cheeks and move them around like if she was a baby.
"Aww. Does someone want their bottle?" I joked. She smacked my hand away and looked away.

"Just answer the damn question." She hissed. I gave a sigh and looked at her.

"I was just being myself." I quickly responded.

"Being myself my ass!" She yelled. Some people that were walking by looked at us. Parents covered their kids ears and quickly walked. I felt my eyes twitch as she stared at me hard again. Letting my emerald eyes roll, I walked to a wall and leaned against it. While my vicious sister came to me.
"Sakura, you can't run away from a question! What did mom and dad teach you!!?" Akio yelled being stubborn. I bit my lip hard, to calm me down from not snapping.

"Akio.." I said softly. She cut me off and began yelling more furiously.

"It's not fair! You're always mean towards me, and when were near our friends you treat me like a piece of shit!" She screams. My mouth opened ready to speak but she continues. "What have I ever did to you, to make me be treated this way? I've been nice to you, hell I even bought you clothes for Christ sake!" I looked at the ground and she got closer to me. I could feel her brown eyes burn inside me. Right as I was looking up. Smack! She hit my cheek and my head shot to the side. It stung like hell. I turned my head slowly and looked at her. Tears were escaping her eyes and she slowly pulled her arm away. Her angry expression was still on her face. My cheek was red and it hurt to be touched. Akio dropped my bag that she was holding when I was inside the store of Hot topic. It landed on my feet and it hurt my foot from the shoe box hitting my feet. I whined a little and she then turned around and whispered. "Have a nice date with Menma." Before I could say anything she ran off. I touched my cheek softly and I picked up my bag.

I walked home and my phone shut off on the way walking. Since I pissed off Akio she drove her car away. The wind blew against my face roughly. As the clouds darkened and I felt water hit my face. I looked up and it started to pour rain. I frowned and I started to get soaked. Quickly I started to run down the path. Home wasn't as far away from now, but by the time I get home ill be soak. I ran threw the grass, which was a horrible idea. I forgot that the grass has mud and I start slipping and sliding. Finally I slide and fall on my ass. It hurt my butt badly and I slowly stood up. The clothes inside the bag weren't ruined by the mud and rain thankfully. As I manage to get home, Akios car isn't there. I frown and unlock the house door. Slidding off my now wet shoes, I walk into my room. Plugging in my charger, my phone turned on. The time was 2 and I quickly ran into the shower. Unchanging quickly and taking a hot shower. Which felt very refreshing. Once I got out I ran into my room naked. I do this a lot and I put on my bra and underwear. I slide on the clothes Akio had bought for me and the shoes. Taking a look in the mirror and I looked stunning. I turned on my blow dryer and dried my hair. Then I straightened it. Putting on my usual makeup, I glanced at my self. I fixed my fringe and teased a little of my hair and brushed it down to create a poofy look. By the time I was finished my phone had ranged.

"Hello?" I answered casually.

"Hey, you ready?" The deep voice that I loved known as Menma asked. I smile and looked at the ground.

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