- Ravi x Leo -

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"Ravi!" The soft voice of Leo mumbled in embarrassment as Ravi nuzzled his face into the crook of Leo's neck. Ravi chuckled, his dark eyes shining in amusement at his boyfriends shyness. He pulled away and smiled softly, seeing the effect he has on his boyfriend. Leo's cheeks were bright red and he was avoiding eye contact with him. Ravi got up and quickly kissed his cheek, running towards the kitchen to make his shy boyfriend his coffee.

After a while, Leo felt lonely without his other half and went to find him. He spotted him in the kitchen and leaned on the doorframe, watching him. While Ravi was busy making him a coffee, Leo took note of Ravi's appearance - the way his back muscles showed through the thin sleeveless shirt, his strong arms and the way his red hair had been styled - messy but still oh so hot to Leo.

"Leo, are you done staring?" Ravi turns around and smirks at the blushing Leo.
"I-I w-wasn't s-staring..."
"Sure you aren't." Ravi teased, handing Leo his awaited coffee. Leo took his coffee and smiled shyly as a thank you. Ravi chuckled and kissed Leo's forehead.

Ravi left the shy boy on his own to drink his coffee. Leo moaned quietly at the taste - he always loves it when Ravi makes him a coffee. In his opinion, he makes it better than he does himself. Once he had finished his coffee, he left to find Ravi. He quietly walked through all the rooms, only to find nothing. A sigh escapes his plump, soft, pink lips in frustration. Where could he be? He thought as he struggled to work out where his other soul is.

Ravi was watching, hiding away from his boyfriend. He bit his lip to refrain from laughing. Seeing the frustrated pout on his lips, he decided to finally show himself. He left his hiding spot and being careful of the squeaky areas in their apartment, he finds himself staring at the back of his boyfriend. His eyes travel down his body, eyeing every little detail of him - from the way his hair just brushes his shirt collar to the way his booty can be seen clearly through the sweatpants he was wearing.

"Nice view from behind!" Ravi grins as he playfully grabs Leo's booty from behind and he jumps, turning to face his other half with a red, flushed face.
"Stop teasing me!" Leo shyly scolds and Ravi grins, "You know you love it Leo."
"Oh shush Ravi."
"I love you Leo."
"Love you too, you little devil!" Leo cheekily grins and hugs his boyfriend, sighing in content as Ravi lays his head upon his own.

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