- Hongbin x Hyuk -

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"Binnie!" Hongbin turns to face his adorable boyfriend, Hyuk. He smiles brightly, walking over to him with a hot chocolate - just the way Hyuk likes it. Hyuk takes the hot chocolate from Hongbin and gently blows on it, cooling it a little before taking a sip. He looks to Hongbin and smiles, shuffling a little so Hongbin can sit down on the sofa with him.

While Hyuk carefully drinks his delicious hot chocolate, Hongbin rests his head on his shoulder. Hyuk quietly sipped his drink, feeling the warmth soak into his body. Hongbin sighed contently and the only things the two could hear was the soft howl of the cold wind outside, the crackle of the fire and the faint music playing from Hongbin's phone through the main speaker in the living room. Hongbin sat up a little, seeing white flecks outside a window.

"Hyuk! Its snowing!" He cheers, jumping up in excitement as he rushed to grab a jacket and put shoes on. He almost toppled over from excitement as he clumsily opened the door and ran outside with a laughing Hyuk behind him.
"Snow fight?" Hyuk shakes his head at Hongbin whos bright, excited smile changed into a sad pout. Hyuk sighed silently and placed his mug down, putting on a jacket and shoes and walked into the brisk chill of the wind. Hyuk watches Hongbin from afar like an adult watching their kid.

He slowly walks down the few stairs from their front door and he bends down, collecting a little bit of snow to make a snowball. He made sure the elder wasn't watching and he threw the snowball at Hongbin's back. He burst out laughing, seeing the look his boyfriend gave him.

"You wanna fight?" Hongbin playfully glares and gets a snowball ready to throw back at him. A snowball fight erupts as they throw snowballs at each other.

~ ~ ~

After a while, it gets dark and both boys are soaked from the melting snow.
"That was fun!" Hongbin laughed loudly and Hyuk smiled at him, kissing his cheek.
"Go have a shower Binnie. I'll make something for dinner." Hongbin nods and goes inside with Hyuk trailing behind him.

As Hongbin left, Hyuk quickly left to go get Hongbin's present and hid it under the small tree that stood in the corner of the living room. The poor thing was heavily covered in lights and decorations but they both loved it. After he had placed it under the tree, he goes to the kitchen to make something that both he and Hongbin have never tried before.

"Ooh, something smells good!" Hongbin came back a few minutes later and Hyuk turned to see his boyfriend shirtless with black sweatpants and his light brown hair still dripping.
"Hongbin, can't you dry your hair properly?!" He sighs and Hongbin pouts. Hyuk sighs, "Go get your towel." Hongbin pouts again and goes back to get his towel. Hyuk shook his head when Hongbin was out of view. Aish, this kid... Hongbin came back with his towel and Hyuk took it from him, slowly drying his hair for him. Hongbin sighed in contentment as his other half dried his hair.

The smell of something burning brought both boys out of their own world.
"No, no, no!" Hyuk dropped the towel and ran to the kitchen, worry written all over his face. Hongbin scrunched up his nose at the smell of food burning. Hyuk quickly took the pot off the stove and turned off the stove in a hurry.
"Hyukkie... You silly!" Hongbin chuckled and Hyuk glared at him before a smile came across his sweet face as its impossible to stay serious when Hongbin is around.

What Hyuk originally planned to cook had to be scrapped so they decided to just have ramen. It didn't matter as long as they had each other. As Hyuk ate his ramen quietly, Hongbin left and came back with a small box and a card. While he left, Hyuk also got his present for Hongbin.

They both met at the tree in the living room.
"Hongbin." They both spoke at the same time and laughed.
"You first." Hongbin smiles at Hyuk and he blushes as he hands Hongbin his present.
"Merry Christmas Binnie." He shyly smiles as Hongbin takes it from him. He carefully unwrapped the box to find a bracelet with the message engraved on the inside of it, I'll always be with you, you're my light. The message made Hongbin smile.
"You're my light too Hyuk." He pulls his present out of his pocket and gave it to Hyuk.

"Don't open it yet. Han Sanghyuk, ever since I had laid my eyes upon you, I didn't realise that I would fall into your trap," Hyuk giggled and smiled, letting Hongbin continue.
"You are amazing and I am so lucky to have met you and claim you as my own. I want to go that one step further, will you marry me?" Hongbin got on one knee and pulled out a rose from somewhere as Hyuk opened the box to see a sparkling diamond ring with the words engraved on the inside, Forever and always.

"Yes! I will marry you!" Hyuk smiles, crying happy tears as he passionately kisses his now boyfriend to fiancé.

"Merry Christmas Hyuk."
"Merry Christmas Hongbin."

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