- Hongbin x Ken -

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This one-shot is for  turtlemin_93. I hope you like it!

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Ken and Hongbin were close friends; inseparable you might say. They were never far apart and they seemed to be joined at the hip. When they first started school together, Hongbin being the shy and timid one was suddenly paired up with the loud and excited Ken, and somehow they became the closest of friends.

When high school came along, Ken had to move away for two years for cancer treatment. Hongbin was devestated and constantly worried if he'll ever see his best friend, the brother he never had again. He struggled on his own, never finding the confidence he once had with Ken and he returned back to his shy and timid personality - one that hasn't been seen for many years. Everyone kept their distance from him as they knew he'd rather be left alone. His grades suffered and within those two years of Ken missing from his life, he found happiness in photography.

Photography became his escape from the world. He earned money from a small cafè as a cook so he didn't need to talk much and with that money, he bought himself a good quality camera (pictured in media). Every weekend he went out to the local park and wildlife reserves to take beautiful photos of the local flora and fauna. He got a lot of compliments and eventually sold some of his photos at the cafè he worked out.

When Ken arrived back in Busan after his two year long cancer treatment in Seoul, he didn't know how Hongbin was going. After arriving home, he wandered around Busan and came across the small cafè where Hongbin now works. This wasn't here when I left... Ken thought as he stepped in and he was greeted with the delightful smell of coffee, chocolate from some of the cakes and the sight of fresh food being handed out. He spotted a staff member who looked oddly familiar to him - light brown hair, the cutest dimples he's ever seen and he was tall. He reluctantly pulled his gaze away from the tall male and his gaze now focused on the line of photography behind the counter.

He takes a few steps forward and a quiet gasp leaves his lips. The photography was stunning but he couldn't see who took the photography.
"Excuse me," he starts as a girl looks up at him.
"Yes sir?"
"Who's photography is this?" He asks, still looking at them. The girl smiles before answering, "Let me go get him. He works here." Ken nods as he steps aside, watching the female go back into the kitchen. He waits patiently while the girl gets the photographer of the photos.

"Ken? Is that you?" Ken whips around to the quiet and unmistakable voice of his best friend.
"Hongbin?" Hongbin nods, running over to Ken.
"Why did you leave me for two years?" Hongbin buries his face into Ken's chest as Ken holds the younger close, "I had cancer and the only treatment I could get was in Seoul..." He whispers, rocking Hongbin gently in his arms. Hongbin sobbed quietly, glad to see his best friend alive and well.

"Hongbin! Someone wants to buy one of your photos!" A deep male voice yelled out and Hongbin pulls away.
"So those are your photos then?" Ken smiles and Hongbin nods, "They are. I developed a love for photography about six months after you left Busan." He explains as the same male voice yells out again, "LEE HONGBIN!" Hongbin sighs and Ken nods, telling him to go and see what he is needed for.

While Hongbin was doing what his co-worker needed, Ken decided to try one of the options on the menu. Vanilla latte? That sounds good. I'll try it. He thought as he spotted something else on the menu that seemed to be of his taste - chocolate cake. It had all three types of chocolate in it and his mouth watered at the sight.

"Can I help you sir?" Ken blinked as the same girl asked him. He pats his pockets for his wallet and pulls it out as he says his order, "Can I have a vanilla latte and a slice of that chocolate cake?" He points to it as she nods, "Sure." She types it in and tells him the cost as he hands over the money. He goes to find a spare table and luckily there was one in the corner, not too far from where Hongbin works so he can still talk to him.

~ ~ ~

The deep male voice belonged to Hongbin's boss and friend, Kim Ravi. He knew of the younger's issues with socialising so he made sure he could work in an area that had very limited chatting. Although cooking you would need to talk but the others found him to be of great company and when things got hectic, Hongbin stepped in and took charge.

He goes back into the kitchen to see a new order and he eyes it curiously. A vanilla latte and chocolate cake? Thats an odd combination... He thought as he began making the latte and he goes back to the counter where the famous chocolate cake shone in all its glory. He cut a decent sized piece and placed it on a plate along with some cream and white chocolate sauce. The coffee machine beeped and he rushes to it to finish it off before checking the number. He looks around and sees who's order it was - his best friend's. I should've known it was him! He smiles to himself and goes over to Ken, handing him his order.

"Hope you enjoy!" Hongbin grins but he was pulled down by Ken.
"Stay here with me. Please?" Ken pulls his famous agyeo and Hongbin sighs, "I have work you know. I can't stay here and chat." Ken pouts, knowing its true.

"Heres my number. Lets hang out after you finish. I have a new apartment not far so I want to invite you over for dinner." Ken scribbles his number down on a napkin.
"Sounds good Ken." Hongbin smiles, taking his number and putting it in his pocket. Ken nods and takes a bite of the cake, his eyes widening at the delightful taste.

"I'll see you tonight then!" Hongbin nods and walks back into the kitchen with a smile on his face.


Part two coming soon!

~ Zeera

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