- Ken x Leo -

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This one-shot is for vixxexo88. I hope you enjoy it!

Also, trigger warning in this one-shot. Don't read if you don't like it.

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Leo glared at Ken, "You never seem to understand why I'm like this!" He grew tired of hearing Ken's questions of why hes so quiet and withdrawn from life.
"Understand?! All you do is block me from your life! Thats it Leo. You're on your own." Ken yelled back, tears streaming down his face.
"Fine! Go! I don't care anymore. Just leave and get out of my sight!" Leo glared as he watched Ken go to their shared room and heard a solid thump. He guessed it was Ken's suitcase landing on the floor as he heard the shared wardrobe doors swing open.

After a few minutes, Leo heard the heavy footsteps of Ken and he didn't utter a word as he left out the door, slamming it behind him. Leo took one glance at the door and a few photos that hung on the wall fell to the floor, the glass shattering into a thousand pieces. Just like my heart... Leo thought as he slumped against the wall behind him.

Tears fell from his dark eyes that were now filled with sadness. The house fell quiet and he didn't realise how much Ken meant to him until that moment in time. Heart-shattering sobs filled the once happy house and even the house itself seemed to be unhappy, depressed even.

Ken pulled out his keys from his pocket and quickly unlocked his car before throwing in his suitcase and getting in. He stared at the window before starting the car and leaving the house that he and Leo had designed together and was to be filled with their many dreams and desires but now... It was just a house to Ken that now has memories of their breakup.

~ ~ ~

Many weeks passed and both boys weren't looking good at all. Leo had become noticably thinner, his skin pale and dark circles underneath his eyes. Deep and red scars littered his once pale beautiful skin, some were taking weeks to heal.

Leo was now just skin and bones as his cheeks had caved in and weren't full like they were before, his dark eyes sunken in and he had lost all interest in life. His ribs poked out from his skin and he tried hiding his frail frame underneath baggy clothing but his closest friend Ravi, knew Leo wasn't in good condition and had taken the breakup horribly.

"Leo! You need to eat! You haven't eaten in days!" Ravi pleaded, he didn't want to lose his closest friend. Leo shook his head in reply, he barely speaks and when he does, its only because its necessary.

Ken himself was in bad shape. He had gotten skinner but he was still eating, even if it wasn't as much as before. He didn't have to heart to have a smile on his face anymore and his friends, N and Hongbin knew something was up and they guessed it was to do with his now ex-boyfriend.

"Ken... Please eat a little more." N pleaded like a mother would and Ken sighed, picking up his chopsticks once again and eating the rest of his meal. It was the first time in weeks since N had seen him eat all of his dinner as he usually eats half or none at all on some days. N looked at Ken with worry written all over his face. He really needed to try and resolve this issue.

Ravi had a much harder time trying to get Leo to eat. Its been several weeks since the breakup and since then, Leo hasn't been out of the house. Ravi had tried countless times to get Leo out of the house and where the photos had fallen, Leo hadn't gone near them at all.

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