- Leo x N -

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"Taekwoon, I can't do this anymore. I can't do this long distance relationship. I'm breaking up with you."

Those words rang through Taekwoon's mind as he took another mouthful of soju. Hakyeon was meant to be with him for the rest of his life – he even planned to marry him! He sighs, looking at the photos of him and Hakyeon during their happier times. Taekwoon had the scrapbook that they had put together of all of their future dreams in front of him, the writing and the photos blurred from his tears. He lets out a muffled cry as he falls back on the sofa, letting his tears and thoughts consume him.

Hakyeon wasn't doing any better than Taekwoon. Despite being in Japan to study abroad, he felt so guilty to break up with his one and only. He was thin in appearance, his hair wasn't as shiny or as soft as it used to be. A sigh escapes from him as he realises how disappointed Taekwoon must feel if he saw him like this.

The silence was broken when Hakyeon's phone starts ringing. Without checking the caller ID, he picks it up.

"Hakyeon would be so disappointed in me... I can't take care of myself..." Without realising, drunk Taekwoon had called Hakyeon without realising it was his ex who had picked up. Hakyeon's heart had shattered into thousands of tiny pieces when he heard Taekwoon's muffled cries.

"I want him back... I need him... I can't live on anymore!" Hakyeon felt his own eyes prick at the sound of Taekwoon's shattered voice. No, he can't. He better not think about it! Hakyeon quickly gathered a few items before shoving them into a bag.

"Just hold on Taekwoon, just hold on..." Hakyeon mumbles, quickly booking a ticket on the next flight to Seoul.

~ ~ ~

Upon landing, Hakyeon grabbed his phone and turned it on but groaned when he realised it was flat. Damn it...

"Where to sir?" The taxi driver asked Hakyeon and he quickly told the driver where to go. Within minutes, they arrived and Hakyeon jumped out, ignoring the driver's yells for his pay, his dear Taekwoon needed him.

"Taekwoon!" Hakyeon yelled as soon as he stepped inside the apartment. His nose scrunched up in disgust at the smell in the room. He mustn't have cleaned the apartment in weeks! Hakyeon slowly made his way towards the living room. The smell became stronger and Hakyeon had to hold his breath. He knew Taekwoon wouldn't leave the house like this. It smelt like alcohol and a strong but bitter and metal smell got alarm bells ringing. He ran to where Taekwoon is and the sight made his heart stop.

Glass bottle shards were all over the floor, blood had stained the once white sofa and Taekwoon was laying lifeless on the floor amongst the glass shards.

"No... Taekwoon!" Hakyeon cried as he dropped his things and cradled his once warm boyfriend. Tears streamed down his face as he cried. His one and only was now lifeless in his arms.

"Taekwoon... I love you..."

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