- Ravi x OC -

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This one-shot was inspired by a night I had recently with someone who is so special to me.


I'll be there soon in about ten minutes. Love you baby! The familiar text message tone of a phone rang through the teenager's room. A smile spreads on her face as she quickly fixed the last of her makeup and her dress. Just before the doorbell rang, she slid her feet into the silver shoes that Ravi bought for her.

You see, today is the night that she has been dreaming of ever since she started high school - the school ball. She took one last glance in the mirror and admired her work. Her dark brown hair was styled into curls with a small amount pinned back away, her makeup dark but sexy at the same time with nude pink lips and her stunning but simple black dress fell loosely but elegantly against her body, stopping at her knees. On her feet were a pair of beautiful silver sparkly heels that her boyfriend Ravi had requested for her to wear to the ball.

She grabbed her matching black and silver clutch just as she heard the doorbell ring.
"Honey! Your date is here!" The girl's mother calls as she sees her daughter. Her mother tried not to burst into happy tears at the sight of her daughter.
"You look... Amazing honey..." Her mother managed to get out as her daughter blushed and mumbled a shy "thank you."

"Zaira... You look..." Ravi was speechless as he eyed his beautiful girlfriend when her mother opened the door for him. In his mind, she was already belle of the ball and no matter who they choose for that title, she'll always remain be his belle of the ball. While Ravi was staring at her, Zaira's mother ushered her out of the house.

"Have fun you two and USE PROTECTION!" She grins, closing the door behind her as Ravi and Zaira looked at the now shut door, shocked.

"Sorry about her," Zaira sighs, grabbing hold of his hand, interwining their fingers together. "Shes always a handful to deal with." Ravi smiles and gently kisses her forehead, "Its okay. Mothers are supposed to be a little crazy." Zaira smiles and looks up at Ravi as he led her to the town hall that had been decorated for this one night.

Zaira hadn't lived far from the hall so it was easy for her and Ravi to walk there together hand in hand. Many of the teachers of the school had dressed up for the occasion and both her and Ravi had barely recognised some of the teachers!

Walking on the red carpet that was laid out, many cameras were flashing and many girls were squealing at the couples cute affections to one another as they walked in the hall.

There was a few people there already getting photos done and Ravi looked at her, "Want to have our photos together?" Zaira nods, "Sure. Lets get it over and done with." Ravi chuckled quietly as he lead her towards the photographers to get their photo.

"Move a little closer together!"
"Can your faces be a little closer?"
"There we go!" The photographer guided the couple into the position that she wanted them to be in. Soon their photos together was finished and they soon had their individual ones.

~ ~ ~

Zaira looked around the hall to see it decked out in purple, black and a little bit of white on the tables and chairs, a chocolate fountain with all sorts of fruit in bowls surrounding it and music was playing in the background quietly.

"Wow..." Zaira looked around in awe at the hall. From once being plain in colour and empty, it was now transformed into a beautiful ballroom.
"Its amazing... It was so boring in here before and look at it now. Its so beautiful..." Ravi smiled softly at Zaira and kissed her temple and she looked up at him.

There was live music as they walked in, the musicians playing soft songs while the lead singer was off somewhere else. Ravi knew of the musicians and had requested them to play with permission from the school. One of the singers also knew Zaira and when she saw the younger girl, she squealed in happiness.

"Oh my Zaira! You look so grown up! And who may this be?" She grins and playfully winks at Ravi to keep the joke going. Zaira blushed and smiled as she pulled back her hair from her face, "Jessika, you know EXACTLY who this person is!" Jessika laughed and hugged her before helping the couple find their seats.

~ ~ ~ 

Once they got to know the rest of their table members, someone spoke into the microphone.

"Hello and welcome to our Masquerade ball! I see many young men in dashing suits and tuxes and my, the ladies look absolutely STUNNING!" Everyone laughs and Zaira holds Ravi's hand as the host continues to talk.

"Well, I'm sure many of you are hungry so sit back and relax as our darling waiters and waitresses bring out your meals. Enjoy!" Applause filled the room as the host turned off their microphone before stepping down from the stage.

Five minutes later, two plates were brought over to Zaira and Ravi and other waiters came over to deliver the rest of the plates full of food to other people in the table. The two stared down at the food as Ravi's stomach growled at the scent.

"Eat up! Don't just stare at it Ravi!" Zaira started digging into her plate full of roast chicken and steamed vegetables. Ravi smiled sheepishly before digging in himself, conversation fell silent as the hall was filled with the scratching and putting down the knives and forks on the plates along with the quiet music floating through the air.

~ ~ ~

"Alright! Lets get the party started once again!" The host speaks up again as the music got turned up once again. Ravi got up and held out a hand to Zaira, "Would you do me the honours of dancing with me?" Zaira smiles and nods as she takes his hand and Ravi leads her towards the dancefloor.

The first few songs were fast-paced and energetic before turning to slow dancing songs. Zaira rested her head on Ravi's chest as they slow danced together and they could hear the whoops, whistles and yells of other people as they kissed.

While they slow dancing was on, the awards for Best Dancer, Best Couple, Beau and Belle, etc. was called out. Zaira was contented not to be awarded when she heard Ravi's and her names called out. Cheers and whistled echoed around the hall as they went up to collect their Best Couple award before resuming their dancing.

~ ~ ~

An hour later, the fun night had to draw to a close and Ravi could see how tired his girlfriend was after all their dancing.

"C'mon Zaira, lets go home." He chuckles quietly as he lifts her bridal style as he knew her feet would be killing her. The moon was bright and the street lights glowed as they went home. Ravi noticed she had fallen asleep in his arms as he walked her home.

Arriving at her home, he carefully knocked on the door with his foot and her mum opened the door.

"Oh my! You know where her room is Ravi." She quickly ushered them to Ziara's room and he laid her down on her bed before carefully taking off her dress and shoes, and replacing it with an oversized shirt which once belonged to him. He kissed her forehead gently before turning around and leaving, turning the light off and closing the door.

Zaira's mother was in the kitchen when she noticed the award Ravi held in his hand.

"Whats that for?"

"We got an award for Best Couple." Pink glows in his cheeks as he watched his future mother-in-law quietly fangirl.

"Ravi... Please stay the night. I don't want you going home at this hour of the night." She pleads and Ravi nods, "I better get some sleep then... Goodnight."

"Goodnight Ravi. Sleep well." She watches him leave and she turns her attention to the award in her hand.

I knew those two would win the cutest couple award!

~ ~ ~

Finally! I have another VIXX One-Shot completed after how many months? This night for me actually happened back in February and in March this year as my boyfriend of four years and I used to go to different schools (we've now graduated high school). I started this several days after our ball but I never finished it till today. Zaira is actually based off me but I never got an award myself at my ball.

~ Zeera

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2018 ⏰

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