- Ravi x Leo - (Chained Up)

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This one-shot is dedicated to Elyment_Magyk_Legend. I hope you like it!

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"Why did you have to come up with this slave to love idea for our debut?" Leo sighed and Ravi grinned, "I think it would be a good idea and I'm sure our St☆rlights would want to see our abs." Leo rolled his eyes, "You mean YOUR abs! Mine are still asleep."
"Then wake them up!"
"I'd rather not, thank you very much! They are enjoying their rest so leave them." Ravi chuckled, he knew Leo wouldn't show his abs to their wonderful St☆rlights. Even if he did have abs, he was very shy of revealing them, even to the other members of VIXX.

Ken and N understood him completely as they didn't have abs themselves as they were still sleeping and they were waiting for the right moment to wake them up.

"Hyung! Can you tell Leo-hyung that he needs to tell his abs to wake up?" Ravi yells and Ken turns to Leo, "Don't listen to him. Your abs can stay asleep." He pulls up his shirt slightly, "See? Mine are still asleep." Leo smiled a little, "I'm so glad I have you to tell Ravi that my abs don't have to be awakened." Ravi pouted and turned his back on his hyungs, "Fine. Be that way Leo-hyung." Ken and Leo looked at each other, shrugging at Ravi's very childish behaviour.

Ken leaves Leo to deal with their dongsaeng. Ravi still had his back to Leo and Leo rolled his eyes as he back-hugged Ravi.
"Ra, stop being so childish..." Leo whispered against Ravi's neck, sending shivers down the youngers body. Ravi unconsciously leaned into the elder's chest, making Leo smile.
"Ravi... Talk to me..." Leo whispered and Ravi sighed, "Hyung, you know our St☆rlights will be disappointed in you."
"I know Ravi but they'll understand my choice. When you think about it, would you want to kill our St☆rlights with both of our abs or just yours?" Leo had made a vaild point and Ravi knew it was best to only have one set of abs revealed.
"You're right hyung. Now that I think about it, the slave idea should be saved for another time." Ravi's 18+ mind was bathing in the 'slave to love' concept that a song was created in his mind. Chained Up... Like an idiot, I freeze... Ravi became so lost in his thoughts that he didn't realise the Leo's grip had tightened slightly around his waist.

"Ravi, whats going on through that mind of yours?" Leo mumbled and Ravi turned in his arms.
"Do you really want to know hyung?" Ravi smirked and Leo rolled his eyes, "Probably not now, knowing you and your dirty mind."
"Dirty? Wah, hyung! You know I'm innocent!"
"Innocent Ravi? Thats bullcrap. Everyone knows you are so dirty minded, even Hyuk knows it and hes still a baby." Ken suddenly butted into their conversation.
"Ken-hyung! I'm not a baby! I may be the maknae, but that doesn't mean you can call me a baby!" Hyuk yelled and the three hyungs laughed, "You'll always be our baby maknae." Ravi smiled to Hyuk as he came into the room. Hyuk glared at Ravi but it didn't last long as he broke into a smile.

~ ~ ~

Ravi was in his studio, trying to come up with a new concept for their VIXX LR debut as he had to scrape his previous plan. Beautiful liar... I am a cowardly liar... He realised he could still keep the shirtless idea but he would be the one showing them while Leo has his sleeping abs covered. LR... Left and right, right and wrong, opposites... As he brainstormed, more and more ideas came to him. Truth, lies... Two sides to a person - one the lies, the other is the truth. Ravi quickly jotted down his ideas and before long, Beautiful Liar was born.

"Leo!" Ravi quickly stood up, his chair falling behind him with a thud. He runs to the door, almost slamming into it in his excitement. He runs out, almost crashing into Hongbin, "Sorry Hongbin!" Hongbin had no time to reply as Ravi dashed to find his LR partner.

Leo was talking quietly to their maknae as Ravi came into the room, slamming into Leo. Leo's eyes widened as they fell to the floor with Ravi on top. They looked at each other, pink tinting their cheeks. Hyuk had left after Ravi and Leo fell, leaving the two elders alone.

"S-Sorry hyung..." Ravi stuttered, rolling off of Leo. Leo just nodded as Ravi got up and held out a hand to help his hyung out. Leo gratefully took it and Ravi pulled him up, only to have Leo purposely pull him back down.
"Hyung... What was that for?" Ravi blushed and Leo smirked, "Can't I have my slave to love against me?" It took a few seconds for Ravi to register what Leo had just called him.
"D-Did you just call me... Your slave to love?" Ravi mumbled and Leo quickly kissed his forehead, "Yes I did." Ravi blushed crimson and hid his face in Leo's chest. Leo chuckled and gently pushed Ravi off him before straddling his hips. Ravi looked up at Leo nervously before Leo leaned down and kissed him passionately. Ravi stiffened before relaxing into the kiss, kissing Leo back. His hands drifted from his sides to Leo's hips, holding the elder in place.

The dark haired male pulled away, a faint blush on his cheeks. He slowly got up and helped Ravi up.
"Sorry Ravi. It was too tempting. Your lips looked so kissable-" Leo blushed and Ravi quickly shut him up with a kiss. Leo jumped a little in surprise but slowly gave in, pulling the younger closer. Ravi smiled a little, resting his hands on Leo's slender hips. After a while, Leo reluctantly pulled away for air.

"What did you need me for earlier?" Leo mumbled, leaning his head on the younger's chest.
"Nice way to ruin the moment hyung!" Ravi playfully scolds Leo, flicking his forehead. The elder winced a little but chuckled at Ravi's actions.

The pair stayed in each others arms until they heard a quiet click of a camera. Leo sleepily looked towards the sound and a sheepish-looking Hongbin looked back at him.
"Sorry hyung. I couldn't help it..." Leo rolled his eyes playfully at the younger. Ravi shook his head before a shy smile formed on his lips at his '93 liner friend.
"You better show me those photos Hongbin!" Hongbin chuckled and nodded, leaving the pair alone.

Leo looked at Ravi through his dark, cat-like eyes and Ravi gently brushed his fringe away so he could see the flawless face of his LR partner.

"Leo, I love you so much and it makes me glad I chose you to be my sub-unit partner." Ravi gently planted a soft lingering kiss on the elder's forehead.
"I love you too Ravi. Do you know how honoured I feel to do this with you?" Leo whispers, leaning his head on Ravi's chest and the younger rested his head on the elder's.

They stayed like this until N disturbed the first couple of VIXX, "C'mon you two. Its time for bed." Ravi nodded and he looks at Leo, realising that hes already asleep.
"I'll take him to bed." N nods at Ravi as he gently picks up his boyfriend bridal style and heads to his room that he normally shares with Hyuk and gently laid him on the bed. Ravi pulls the blanket over himself and Leo, holding him close.

"Goodnight jagyia... I love you..." Ravi kisses Leo's sleeping lips before falling asleep to the sound of Leo's breathing and his heartbeat.

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I love VIXX's new comeback! Everyone looked amazing and to see they have gone for the long-awaited dark concept is amazing. I hope their final part of the 2016 Conception is just as good as Dynamite and Fantasy! After watching the V App FANTASY LIVE and seeing the MV, I think I just died and gone to heaven...
Save me before ALL of VIXX kills me...

~ Zeera

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