Chapter 33. Summer Nights

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Life is such a wonderful experience. It's a real adventure with so many paths promising gifts, trials, and challenges. And more paths still forking away from others. All alike and blending as some take certain directions blindly. Some see the many paths as fearfully inevitable choices that could only bring dismay to an already comfortable life from the right choices that have been made before. A subtle diversion could cause a panic of not being able to find the right path again after walking down that one-way street, fretting that the wrong choice had been made. The single path underfoot with the clear future ahead was a reassurance that life could be planned and safe from the unexpected. Those are the people who find contentment in the simple things and hearing the octave of other blessings with grateful smiles that the world around them is a good place.

For the brave, the twisting trails obscured in an opalescent fog encouraged exploration. With tepid smile and some endearment for something brighter around the gloomy bends in tow, a new journey could start again. Forever, until death and beyond, a life could be fascinating and unique. People met along the sides of those roads would be befriended, perhaps loved, and together more paths would be laid hand in hand with the complexity of completely different vibes of anxieties, joys, and frustrations. These are the people who couldn't feel alive without that sense of oneself being apart of something bigger. Their intoxicating influences passing forward lit fusses that sparked others to help the wider community treat others as they were just regarded. From a simple action, whether a friendly comment, a gift to the less fortunate, a caring of another in need, an arch in a whip could be made that would eventually travel along to crack out for all to hear once it reached its climax.

Yet a specific sanguine call was needed to encourage the wary wanting to move from that predictable path down a different junction of uncertainty. Scary as it was, many stumble along those defining paths without looking back, where they push themselves to travel along the trial in fretting hope that they could make it to the other side still who they were when they started. A person of blank marble would be carved into something they never thought possible along that strange rout, learning new things about themselves. Once they reached another fork in the road, a vastly changed person for their choices would be born.

Jade was glad that her mate had managed to find that certain fork in the road that took him by the paw. Thrilled even. Along with her reassurance of a better future if he put his mind to it, he had found a reason to move forward along fearful tracks. It was a shame though that he didn't find it in her. The vixen's path had been paved before her with smooth mulch after stepping off the decrepit slag of her second failed birth. All signs on her cloudy path showed him and him alone in various states of whimsy. The word that Beryl was going to impede her time with him bothered her, yet she understood that he needed to do this and was happy with it. A chance for Blake to do something other than mope and have her dreading if the next time he vanished was for good was what she wanted. Needed. This was it.

This was it.

His admirable decision had noble outcomes that would fixate him as a damaged soul being stronger in the wake of disaster. Blake had been adamant they would find Beryl's mother within a night. The cub's enthusiasm was equally as potent. This determination was what made Jade venture off from them with conflicting motions. She had believed he may have been right and finding an elusive vixen whom abandoned her young was possible. Yet as she sat there at the merging of the lowlands to the ending of the cliff where the 4WD path continued snaking away to a humble red painted barn house in the distance standing contently bathed in sun light with a steady flow of commotion of humans too and fro in the afternoon sun, she felt torn of how to act with the shrunken body lying before her.

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