Day seven: Hatefuck

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"Shut the fuck up!" Angelo yelled. "I don't want to fucking hear it!" Chris let out a sigh, following Angelo through the mall. Everyone quickly moved out their way.

"Calm the fuck down!" Chris screamed. "You're making a fucking scene!"

"Oh, I'm making a scene!" Angelo growled, turning to face Chris.

"Angelo, I wasn't doing anything!" Chris gripped Angelo's arms, glaring down at him. "Why the fuck won't you believe me?!"

"I saw what you were doing! You can't fucking lie to me Christopher!" Chris let out a sigh, quickly connecting their lips. Angelo harshly kissed back before jerking away. He slapped Chris's face, stomping away from him. Chris rolled his eyes, glaring at everyone looking at them.

"Angelo, can we please finish arguing at home?" Chris asked, grabbing Angelo's hand. Angelo sighed, looking at the ground.

"Don't touch me Chris." Angelo growled, walking out the mall. Chris followed him out the building to their car in silence. "I hate you."

"Don't say that." Chris sighed, his anger gone. "You don't hate me." Angelo turned to Chris, glaring up at him. "Don't glare either."

"I will do what I want Chris. You should have thought of that before flirting with that stupid slut!"

"I wasn't flirting! Why are you so fucking jealous?!"

"I'm not jealous! You're fucking mine! No one else can have you." Angelo growled, tears forming in his eyes. "I love you, and I don't like it when you flirt with other people." Chris nodded, cupping Angelo's face. "I'm still fucking pissed."

"I wasn't flirting though." Chris growled. He pushed Angelo against the car, roughly undoing his jeans.

"Not here Chris! I will withhold sex." Angelo glared up at him.

"Oh no." Chris fake cried. "It's not like I have two hands." Angelo glared at him, clenching his fists. "Get in the damn car. We're going somewhere." Angelo huffed, pushing past Chris, and climbing into the passenger seat. Chris reached into buckle him, only to Angelo swat his hands away. "Fucking hell Angelo!" Chris cried, slapping his hand on the side of the car.

"Don't be angry with me! It's your own fucking fault!" Angelo growled. He angrily buckled himself in, crossing his arms. Chris ran around the front of the car, getting into the driver's seat.


Angelo frowned as they pulled into an empty parking lot. He turned to Chris, glaring up at him. Chris leant his head back, closing his eyes. He let out a long sigh, flexing his fingers.

"Why aren't we home?" Angelo snit, looking out the window. Chris let out a small growl, undoing his seatbelt.

"Get out the car now!" Chris stepped out the car, glaring at Angelo. Angelo rolled his eyes, slowly doing as he said. "Come here."

"No." Angelo spoke, turning from Chris. "I don't want to look at you." Chris let out a heavy sigh, walking in front of Angelo. He turned the shorter man around, forcing him over the hood of the car.

"Then don't look." Angelo turned his head to his cheek was pressed against the hood. "Is this okay? I'm not going to rape you." Chris sighed.

"I'm gonna kill you if you don't fuck me." Angelo growled. Chris turned Angelo around, quickly unbuckling the man's belt and yanking his pants down. Angelo pulled Chris down, connecting their lips. "You and I both know you can fucking kiss better than that." Chris let out a small growl, wrapping a hand around his throat. "No. No kinky shit tod..." Angelo was cut as Chris gently squeezed his neck.

"Shut the fuck up." Chris growled. Angelo nodded, letting out a strangled moan as Chris released his neck. Angelo quickly fumbled with Chris's belt, shoving the taller man's pants down to his knees. "Turn back around." Angelo glared at him yet still complied. Chris spit in his hand, covering his dick. "No prep this time baby. I know you like the burn." Chris chuckled as he pushed into Angelo. Angelo let out a loud moan of pain and pleasure.

"Is that all you have Chris?" Angelo growled, smirking back at Chris. Angelo whimpered, as Chris thrusted into him, hard and fast. His mouth fell open as Chris managed to his prostate. "Fuck!"

"You're such a little, jealous slut!" Chris cried. "You can't just fucking listen to me when I tell you that I didn't flirt with some little slut." Angelo whimpered, biting his lip. "Only you can make me feel this good Angelo. Only you know what I like and what I don't."

"Then wh-wh-what were you d-doing?" Angelo stuttered, his legs becoming shaky.

"Talking. I was fucking talking and she decided to be a slut." Chris growled, yanking on Angelo's hair. "Now you be a good fucking slut and come." Angelo let out a huff, shaking his head. Chris faltered, stopping his movements in surprise. "What the fuck?!"

"I-I'm not going to." Angelo stuttered. Chris quickly pulled out of him, turning him around. He fell to his knees, taking Angelo's cock in his mouth. Angelo bit his lip, closing his eyes. Chris kept his focus on the man's tip, dipping his tongue in slit. Angelo bucked his hips, holding Chris's head down on him. "Fuck Chris. I'm not gonna fucking let you make me come." Chris hummed around Angelo's cock, massaging his balls. "Shit! Th-That's not f-fair!"

"All is fair when you weren't being fair first." Chris chuckled. He lightly stroked Angelo, running his thumb over Angelo's tip. "Now will you come for me baby?"

"No." Angelo snit. Angelo pushed Chris back, climbing onto his lap. He slammed himself down on the taller man, glaring down at him. "You're gonna come first." Angelo groaned, rolling his head back. Chris let out a small moan, gripping Angelo's hips.

"No you are. We both know you can't last longer than me."

"That's where you're wrong Chris. I can last longer than you. I've been practicing." Angelo smirked down at him, slowly moving up and down. "I can tell you're close too. You always make a stupid face when you're about to come." Chris bit his lip, letting out a silent moan as he came a minute later. Angelo slowly stood up off him, stumbling back against the car. Chris let out a small sigh, standing up.

"Will you come now?" Angelo slowly nodded, sighing as Chris wrapped his hand around him. Angelo came almost immediately, falling against Chris. "I'm sorry baby."

"No. I'm sorry Chris. I should have trusted you." Angelo sighed. "I'm so fucking sorry."

"We're both dicks okay?" Chris chuckled. Angelo nodded, kissing Chris's neck.

"Yeah. My ass hurts now."

"I'm sorry. Let's get home baby."


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