Day nineteen: Massage

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Angelo let out a small whimper as he rolled onto his back. His back was killing him ever since he helped his friend, Josh, move in with his girlfriend. He was currently making said friend feel guilty about making him hurt himself.

"Okay that's it. I'm calling your boyfriend." Josh said, pulling his phone out as he walked into the room. "Three fucking days. We've gone three days with you guilting me into things. Where is he anyway?"

"Business." Angelo mumbled, rolling onto his stomach.

"Yeah his back really hurts. I know what he said, and it is that bad. Yes he said he was fine but we both know he hates feeling like a burden." Josh sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "He can barely roll over at the moment. Please just get here. I feel fucking horrible at the moment. We both know how fucking oddly cute he can get when he's hurt and wants people to do what he wants." Josh's eyes widened as he listened to Chris. "I'm sorry. I'll tell him."

"Why did you call him?" Angelo whined as Josh hung up.

"You're hurt and I don't know what to do and I feel terrible and I know that Chris always helps you and makes you feel so much better." Josh rambled, placing his hands in his hands as he sat down on the bed. "I'm such a horrible friend."

"No you're not." Angelo mumbled.

"Chris will be here in ten minutes. He said he wants you naked and and laying on your stomach and for me to help you or he's going to give me the night shift again." Josh sighed. Angelo nodded, pushing himself up. He winced in pain, slipping his shirt off. Josh quickly took the shirt from him, sitting it on the chair. He pushed Angelo onto his back, quickly working at the man's belt.

"You're almost as fast as Chris." Angelo chuckled, wincing as pain shot through his back.

"Please don't hurt yourself." Josh whined. "He'll hurt me." Angelo let out a quiet sigh, chuckling as Josh pulled his pants off. "You don't wear boxers?!"

"It turns Chris on?" Angelo shrugged.

"It would have been nice to have a warning!" Josh cried, covering his face. "Why are you so big?!" Angelo pushed himself up on his arms, smirking at Josh.

"I'm a lucky bitch. You should see Chris's cock." Angelo sighed, tilting his head. "That man is a fucking man." He sighed, closing his eyes.

"I really don't want to hear about anything to do with that man's dick." Josh groaned, covering his ears.

"What's so wrong about my dick?" Josh jumped, spinning around. "I helped him! Please let me keep my current schedule."

"Angelo, how long have you been hurting baby?" Chris cooed, walking to him. Angelo let out a small whimper as Chris kissed forehead. "Josh go. I wouldn't have actually changed your schedule." Chris sighed.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you." Josh gushed, running out the room. "I never want to see Angelo's dick again!" He cried as he ran out the house.

"Why did I ever hire him?" Chris mumbled. "Why did I ever let you help him? You hurt your back and I should have known that you wouldn't tell me how much it actually hurt." Chris sighed, nuzzling Angelo's hair. "I'm going to fucking make you feel better."

"How?" Angelo whimpered.

"My way. Get on your stomach alright?"

"Spread my legs?" Angelo asked, looking up at him.

"No baby." Chris chuckled, helping Angelo move onto his stomach. Chris walked across the room, opening their closet.

"If we're not going to have sex then what are you doing in there?" Angelo asked, looking at him. Chris turned around, tossing a bottle of oil from one hand to the other. "What's that for?"

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