Day twenty-six: Wax

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A huge thanks to Bree__XXL for this.  ^-^

"Are you sure you wanna try this?" Chris whispered, as he crawled across the floor with a black plastic bag to where Angelo was sitting on the floor in just his boxers and shirt. Angelo quickly nodded, smiling up at him.

"Yeah. I really want to." Angelo whispered. They sat next to each other against Angelo's bed, looking down at the floor. "My mom won't be back till tonight, and you promised you'd help me."

"I know. I won't back out." Chris chuckled. "Where are your pants by the way?"

"I don't know." Angelo shrugged. He watched Chris pull a black candle out the bag. He sat it on the nightstand, quickly lighting it. He sat back next to Angelo, the shorter boy leaning his head on Chris's shoulder. "Thank you Chris."

"No problem. You like pain, and I like giving it. It's normal." Chris shrugged, kissing Angelo's forehead. Chris kneeled in front of Angelo, gently kissing his cheek. "At least it is for us."

"Everyone thinks we're weird." Angelo whimpered, covering his face. Chris gently lifted Angelo's face, grabbing the candle with his free hand.

"They don't matter. Are you ready Ang?" Chris gently smiled down at him. Angelo slowly nodded, biting his lip.

"Just my thigh okay? So my mom doesn't find out." Chris nodded, slowly tilting the candle and dripping the wax on the smaller man's pale thigh. Angelo let out a small gasp and whimper. "Oh god." Angelo tilted his head back, closing his eyes as Chris gently kissed him. His thigh twitched as Chris dripped more wax on top of him.

"It's so red." Chris murmured, a small smile tugging at his lips. Angelo tugged his shirt down, covering his bulge. "Damn. Don't be embarrassed. We've talked about this, and you don't need to hide." Angelo let out a small whimper, biting his lip as he looked back up at Chris.

"More. Please Chris." Angelo quietly begged. Chris gently dripped more wax on Angelo's thigh, smiling as he twitched and let out small moans. "Fuck."

"Wanna cum?" Chris asked, looking at him. Angelo bit his lip, slowly shaking his head.

"I-I can fix it later." Angelo mumbled. Chris frowned, sitting the candle back on the nightstand. "Please, I just want the thing."

"I just want to help you." Chris murmured.

"We're not dating...."

"Yes we are." Chris chuckled, connecting their lips. Angelo blushed as Chris pulled away. "Now let me help you baby. Alright?" Angelo nodded, closing his eyes as Chris gently tugged his boxers down.

"No, no, no. The um thing first please." Angelo bit his lip, gripping Chris's arm. "Please Chris." Chris nodded, pushing Angelo's shirt up. Angelo slowly took it off, looking down at the floor. "Chris, if my mom finds out..."

"She won't. You're coming to spend the night at my house." Chris chuckled, gently dripping the wax down Angelo's chest. Angelo let out a small moan, tangling his hand in Chris's hair. Chris let out a small sigh as Angelo whimpered. "That's such a cute little noise."

"Touch me?" Angelo whimpered. Chris nodded, getting rid of the candle. He stroked Angelo's cock, kissing his neck. Angelo let out a small whimper, digging his nails into Chris's arms. "Chrissy."

"So cute. Such a cute little thing. I don't think I've ever told you how fucking sexy you are." Chris chuckled, smirking at him.

"Chris, I need to cum." Angelo whimpered. Chris sped his movements, gently biting into the younger boy's shoulder. "Oh fuck." Angelo gasped, tugging on Chris's hair. He let out a final sigh as he came over Chris's hand, a loud whimper leaving his lips.

"I love you." Chris whispered.

"I love you too." Angelo quietly giggled. "We have to get this stuff off me before we leave."

"We'll get you bath then we'll go leave alright?" Chris chuckled. Angelo nodded, smiling as Chris helped him up.


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