Chapter seventeen: Modeling

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"What do you mean he isn't coming today?!" Chris growled, snapping his fingers.

"He's not coming. We got someone else though. He's really hot and has been featured in several magazines." Josh shrugged, holding his clipboard in his hand. "Can you be nice to him? He's really shy and sensitive."

"I'm always nice." Chris grumbled, glaring as the door opened and his new model walked in. Chris looked him up and down, satisfied that he looked like his other models. Black hair and tattoos. "His eyes are blue."

"I know." Josh shrugged. "I have to go and attend to some other things. I trust you won't kill him." Chris nodded, waving Josh off. "His name is Angelo." Josh stated before leaving the studio. Chris crossed his arms as Angelo slowly walked up to him, his gaze on the floor.

"H-Hi." Angelo stuttered, looking up at Chris for a second before looking down at the ground again.

"Hi. My name's Chris, I already know yours. Do you know what I do?"

"Not really. Josh just asked if I could help you." Angelo shrugged. "Said I'd have to get naked." He bit his lip, jumping as Chris lifted his face.

"You're a jumpy little thing." Chris chuckled. "I take pornographic pictures of people and post them on a website for everyone to see. Is that something you've done?"

"I've d-done photo shoots like that." Angelo nodded, biting his lip.

"Good. I'm going for the innocent shoot today since my other model decided not to show up." Chris sighed. "I have some things I want you to wear alright?" Angelo nodded, following Chris to a rack of clothes. The taller man pulled a sweater down, passing it to Angelo.

"Just this?" Angelo asked, tilting his head. Chris nodded, walking past him. Angelo quickly changed, biting his lip as the sweater fell just far enough to cover his cock.

"Why did Josh pick you?"

"I signed for the same company that your other model works for." Angelo shrugged, rubbing his face. Chris nodded, waving to a bedroom set up.

"Kneel on the bed. I just need at least ten good shots." Chris stated, as Angelo crawled onto the bed and kneeled in the center. "Look like a virgin." Chris chuckled.

"That's not hard." Angelo mumbled. He pulled the sleeves of the sweater on his hands, balling his fists. He placed his left hand on his face, leaning his head into it, and his other on the hem of his sweater. He slightly pulled the sweater up, showing the head of his cock.

"I'm guessing you've done this kind of shoot before." Chris chuckled, as he quickly snapped a few photos. "I want you to touch yourself. Just a little to tease alright?" Angelo nodded, shifting so his knees were farther apart. He pulled the sweater up, lightly touching the head of his cock. He opened his mouth in a quiet moan, covering his mouth. This made even Chris blush slightly at the sight of the man whimpering even if they were slightly fake.

"Shit." Angelo whimpered. Chris quickly took his pictures, wiping his mouth. "Is it okay if... If I stroke myself?" Angelo asked, looking up at him. Chris quickly nodded, silently promising himself to save some of these for himself. Angelo slowly stroked himself, leaning back on his free hand.

"Lay on your back." Chris mumbled. Angelo fell back, bending his legs up to show all he had to offer. Chris's eyes widened behind the camera as Angelo instantly started to play with his balls without being told. "God you're sexy." Chris groaned.

"Thank you." Angelo giggled, pulling a hand up to wrap his mouth around two of his fingers. He quickly covered them in saliva, pushing them into his ass. Chris's eyes widened, he's never had someone so comfortable with being on camera. Even his more experienced models still needed some coaxing to finger themselves.

"Just come alright." Chris murmured. "Once you do we'll be done." Angelo gave a small moan as he arched his back off the bed. He kicked one of his legs out as he quickly came over his hand. Angelo tilted his head to the right, closing his eyes. "Hey, hey, hey. Don't fall asleep." Chris hurried to him, pulling him to his feet. Angelo let out a big yawn, his mouth opening wide. He jumped, hearing the camera click.

"Why did you take a picture of that?" Angelo frowned.

"A perfect ending to the pictures. You can go and get dressed alright?" Angelo nodded, walking across the room to get his close. "If you want I'm having another shoot tomorrow. One of my models needs a partner and he hates his current one."

"I'd be interested." Angelo nodded. "If you tell me why you took so many shots."

"Some for the site. The others for myself." Chris smirked down at him. Angelo nodded, pulling his pants on. "Is that a yes for tomorrow?"

"Yes." Angelo nodded, changing shirts. "Bye Chris." Angelo giggled, patting Chris's cheek before leaving.   

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