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Song for the chapter: Sum 41 - With Me


Hey princess. I'm sorry but I can't give you a ride home today bc I've got some urgent things to do. I'll bring your stuff over on Monday. x

Also, good luck tomorrow or something. Idk what to say for this occasion lol. Don't get pregnant Lukey! (; x

It was Friday, the day before the big day.

Luke got a bit grumpy after seeing Michael's text because he really wanted them to go candle shopping but he could always take Calum with him.

Speaking of him just as Luke read the texts Calum walked into the class with the most confused look on his face. He sat next to Luke and turned to him without saying a word.

"What's wrong?" Luke asked. He wasn't sure if he should be panicking or mimic the same expression his friend had.

"I just saw Michael five minutes ago."


"He stopped me and I thought it was to say hi but he literally just wished me good luck and said that I'm a very lucky guy."

Luke nearly choked on his spit. It took him a minute but he knew how Michael thinks so he knew exactly what was going on.

"Wait, what? Oh my God, he's so stupid." The blond said before starting to laugh.

"Dude. Tell me. I'm confused." Calum demanded.

After a while Luke finally managed to calm down enough to explain. "Michael think I'm going to have sex with you."

"Wait, what?"

"He thinks you're my crush."

"Luke!" Calum screamed, luckily for him the teacher wasn't in class yet or he would definitely get a detention.

"He probably hates me now more than he did when he threw me against the wall."

The two kept laughing at the misunderstanding for their entire class.

Calum's sister ended up taking Luke home. It was a fun ride, Mali had an amazing music taste and Luke ended up writing some songs down for his sex playlist.

When he finally made it home he was met by a mysterious package on the porch.

At first he thought that maybe it was the stuff Karen promised to bring over but it had his name written on it.

He took the box in the kitchen where he slowly opened it up. You can never be too careful with these things.

When Luke saw what was inside he wanted to cry.

In the sea of pink tissue paper, there were two pieces of clothing Michael said didn't look good on Luke.

-You looked amazing. I've never seen anything or anyone as beautiful as you in my entire life. Yes, I lied, but I really wanted to get you this for your special night.

Love always,


Next chapter is date night!!

Love, Lucija ☽

You're the one that I want ♡ mukeWhere stories live. Discover now