How could they think this ?

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I feel tear drops run down my face as I start reading

"This is why is hate Ricky !! He's abusing Ari !! I have proof!! "

I click the comments and see all these "fans" chiming in with comments like

"OMG that explains so much "
" I knew I didn't like him "

Feeling more tears roll down my face I click on the "proof" only to see pictures of me where a shadow looked like a bruise and a picture of me from the honeymoon tour with scratches on me that were obviously from Toulouse.

Oh hell no they are not going to hurt my baby like this and get away with it I think to my self as I drop the phone and hug Ricky tighter as he cries into my shoulder

My heart is breaking

"Baby Baby it's okay I've got this I'm going to straighten all of this out " I say with my eyes watering and kiss the top of his head

"No it's not okay this is how your fans think of me " Ricky chokes looking up at me with tears in his eyes and looks me straight in the eyes
There goes my heart again

He puts his head back on my chest and starts crying again

I hug him tight , give him soft kisses rub his back softly , and wisper sweet nothings into his ear trying anything I can to make him feel better

This is all my fault. This wouldn't be happening if I wasn't a celebrity. When it comes to Ricky I just wish I was normal. If I was just a normal girl my baby would not be crying right now. Nothing breaks my heart more than seeing him like this.

After I while of comforting he finally stops sniffling and drifts too sleep and so do I and we fall asleep cuddled on the couch.

"Just wait till tomorrow " I think to myself before slipping into sleep .

Hi guys I hope you like the story so far
I am going to be updating everyday at 4
What is Ariana going to do ?
Tomorrows chapter will be longer 😉😋

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