Self Defense

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I run my finger over his now healed scar

I still remember that day. How could I forget. It was a happy one. Simple

Just me and Ricky going shopping. Together. And that was all I needed

Until that shit head had to come and ruin everything

There is one thing I'm thankful to that asshole for. That he didn't kill Ricky

If he had, I don't know where I would be

Unaware to it, my eyes had began watering

"Baby, you okay ?" I hear followed by a quick side squeeze

"Yeah yeah I'm fine" I laugh trying to brush off so he doesn't make a big deal of it

"You sure peenchy ?"  He asks ever so sweetly

"Awwww peenchy, that's so cute. Your so cute" I say making a smile form on his face

"I'm gonna go grab a banana from downstairs, do you want anything?" He says already at the door

I stared at his exposed and toned stomach for a little while before I respond "Yeah a banana sounds good" and with that he leaves

Lately I've really been thinking about taking a self defense class. After everything that happened that night with Ricky I just feel so helpless. Maybe if I knew how to fight I could have handled it on my own

After a few minutes of research I find a private lil spot in La that's open today. I might text Victoria and see if she wants to come too

Ricky's pov:

I go down a grab two bananas then put the bunch back on the counter. A small bark catches my attention and I look down to see Toulouse staring intently at me

"Whatcha need little man?" I ask the pup. I watch as he turns and walks towards the sliding glass door, expecting me too follow. I set the bananas down and let him out and going with him

I get a scoop of dog food and pour it in his bowl. I look around the back yard and breathe in the fresh air

A bright yellow patch of flowers catch my eye. I decide to pick one to bring up to Ariana

I go back into the house, grab the bananas and go upstairs

"I got the bananas" I say setting them on the side table "and I got something else" I add sitting on the bed and holding out the little flower

Ariana's Pov:

As soon as I see the cute little gesture right in front of me I immediately pull out my phone

"Awww babyyyyy, here hold it up for a sec" I say quickly before starting to record "I'm forcing him to pose with this lovely gift"

"-Wait your taking a video?" Ricky interrupts all smiley

"Yeah, because it was so cute I- just wanted to capture it" I explain as Ricky hands the flower closer to me "Thank you, I accept" I giggle wrapping my small, soft fingers around his and taking it from him as the video came to an end

"You got any plans today ?" Ricky asks taking a bite out of his banana

I don't really wanna tell him. It's not that I wanna keep secrets from him it's just that I want it to be a cute little surprise

"Oh I think I'm gonna hang out with Victoria. Maybe go out to lunch, get our nails done, talk about music, all that stuff. What about you?"

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