Bags and Blood

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"Babe, If you don't hurry all the shops are gonna closeeeee" Ricky hollers from downstairs

"I'm almost doneee" I yell back, curling my last strip of hair. There's no way any of the stores on Rodeo are closing anytime soon, it's noon. He's just tired of waiting for my slow ass. I spritz on some perfume before bending down to look at my whole ensemble in the mirror.

Ugh I'm really getting tired of bending down to see my outfits

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Ugh I'm really getting tired of bending down to see my outfits. I've had this mirror for a few weeks now and it's still not up.

"Hey Ricky do you think you could put that mirror up in my room tomorrow?" I ask

"Yeah of course" he says giving me a squeeze and A kiss on my temple

"You ready to go?"

"Already ahead of ya" he says with the keys to the Jeep Wrangler wrapped around his fingers. I lock the front door and hop in the car. Ricky puts the key into ignition and we pull out of the driveway.

Surprisingly, on the way Side to Side played on the radio. And the WHOLE time Ricky screamed the lyrics knowing this song is about the morning after a VERY interesting night with him.

We park in a near by parking garage and start walking down the busy streets of Rodeo Drive. I slip on some sun glasses and pull Ricky into basically every shop on the block.

I buy honestly way to much stuff. Lately I've just been shopping online so I guess I needed to release all the pent up shopping deprivation. I purchase everything from clothes to jewelry and even some new pillows for the living room. Ricky must have been carrying at least 20 bags.

The sun was starting to set and I noticed that less and less people were on the streets and shopping but I didn't really mind.

I'm currently waiting for Ricky outside of a shop for him to buy some sunglasses. Suddenly some large and sketchy man walks up to me and starts eyeing my bags then me.

"Hey lil mama" he growls intimidatingly. Ugh I don't fucking want to talk to him ... But I'm not going to be a rude ass and ignore him.

"Hello, I'm Aria" I say politely not trying to provoke him. I also just give him a fake name because I am not trying to give him my real name and have him recognize me and do some crazy shit.

"Well Aria, I think we should take a walk" he smirks inching closer, completely making me want to vomit.

"Um no I don't think tha-" but before I can finish my sentence his hand grips my wrist "Get the Fuck off Me !" I scream as I jerk his hand off. I yell for Ricky and he quickly comes out already with a scowl on his face.

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