Mothers and Sisters

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What they're wearing

What they're wearing

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Arianas pov:

We pull up to the crowded driveway and park.

"Okay so who's all here again?" I ask nervously but Ricky only laughs.

"Your gonna be fine come on" he says. I groan and get out out of the car.

I meet Ricky at the front of the car, and we walk up the side walk to the door with my arm wrapped around his. I can hear the kids playing in the back yard.

We walk to the front door and Ricky knocks.

A beautiful older woman opens the door. "Hola mijo" she says pulling him into a long tight hug. "And who's this?" She asks looking at me

"Mama, this is Ariana my girlfriend" he says to her with a smile plastered on his face

"Ohhhh, so this is the girl you've been telling me about. The one who makes you happier then you've ever been ?" She says making me blush

"Mamaaaaaaa" he whines embarrassed like a 10 year old. I laugh and she turns to me.

"It's good to finally meet you. You are even more beautiful than Richard described" she says pulling me into a hug.

"It's sooooo nice to meet you too, and thank you so much Mrs.Alvarez"

"Oh mija you can call me Sylvia" she says and I smile back. "Come on in, the party's already started. Everyone's here"

"Oh we're not late are we?" I ask a little worried as I step into the beautiful home. Being late to the first family party you've been invited too, is not a good first impression.

"Oh no honey, you guys are fine" she explains as she leads us through the living room and to the back yard where most of the party was.

"Ricky go introduce her to the family I'll be in the kitchen" She says and leaves.

We start walking around and I see all the little children are running around playing. He takes me to some of his cousins, uncles and aunts and I meet them and I think I hit it off with all of them. We go back into the house and I meet some more relatives.

"Baby, I have to go to the Bathroom" I whisper because I obviously don't want everyone knowing.

"Oh it's down the hall, go to the right and the second door" he responds


I follow his directions and I'm met with a door. I give it a small knock.

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