Off to Florida

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{ Ari } {Monday}

My peaceful sleep was ruined by the sound of my phone alarm.

"Wake up Sleepy" Ricky mumbles in his hot morning voice, squeezing me.

"How are you going to tell me to wake up when your not even awake yourself" I laugh

"I guess your right" he chuckles

I sit up and rub my tired eyes. I look over and see Alexa's ass knocked out. I pick up a pillow and chuck it her way. After the pillow smacks her back, she rolls over, swiftly gives me the middle finger, and rolls back over.

"Come on sleepies get up" I yell getting up and grabbing the dog food from the pantry. I fill each puppy bowl and jog up to my room to change. I throw on a crop top, leggings and some tennis shoes. I grab all the leashes and go downstairs. "I'm gonna walk the dogs does anyone wanna come ?"

"I'll come" Ricky says yawning and stretching his arms. "Just let me go get changed real quick" he says getting up and going upstairs. Passing me, he gave me a cute lil good morning kiss.

While I'm leashing up pups I hear my phone ding. I walk over to the couch and Alexa hands it to me and I plop down next to her. I slide the screen over and see the text.

"Who's it from?" Alexa asks while she flips through the channels on the tv


"Mac Miller ? As in the one who has a massive crush on you even though I'm pretty sure he has a girlfriend"

"Crush ??" I laugh " Trust me he does not, we're just friends. I texted him yesterday about us getting into the studio together soon" I say to Alexa while I text Mac back.

"Yeah keep believing that hunty" she snaps back

Mac : Yeah we should definitely get into the studio together soon. I'm free Wednesday though Thursday. Friday I'm going to Pennsylvania for a preformance. More importantly we need to hang I haven't seen you in a while girl 😉

Why would he put a winky face ???

Me : YAS boy 💞 I'm free wednesday see you there ??

Mac: it's a date ☺️

I lock my phone and look up.

"Ready to go?" Ricky asks

"Yep. Your taking Layfeyette and Cinnamon" I giggle as I take his hand, Toulouse, Strauss and Cocos leashes and go out the door and start our walk.

It was a short walk around the block but Ricky was being a little quiet I wonder whats wrong.


I walk down the stairs and hear Alexa and Ariana talking

"Mac Miller? As in the one who has a huge crush on you" I hear Alexa say making me cringe

"We're just friends" I hear Ariana say giving me reassurence

Turn the corner to see Ariana texting someone with a small smile on her face. I'm guessing it's Mac. I try not to be "that" jealous boyfriend, it's literally her job but I don't know something about that rubs me the wrong way. I try to shake it off but the feeling didn't go away.

"Ready to go?" I finally say.

"Yep" Ariana says looking at me with her huge brown beautiful eyes. She struts over looking absolutely beautiful without the slightest bit of effort.

She hands me the leashes and we start our walk. Throughout the walk I was pretty quiet and I think Ariana is picking up on it.

"What's wrong?" Ariana asks worried looking up at me

"Nothing, Nothing's wrong" I say trying to shake it off

"Ricky I know you. And I know something is wrong" she says but I can't respond. It's almost as if I'm embarrassed to tell her that I got jealous of her texting Mac, and that im jealous he probably has a crush on her I mean who wouldn't. There's just silence then Ariana continues "You do know you can tell me anything" she says looking into my eyes.

"Anything?" I question

"Anything" Ari says with a smile as she stands on her tippy toes and gives me a kiss.

I let out a sigh and begin "I heard you and Alexa while I was going down the stairs and I guess I got a little jealous"

"Jealous of me and Akexa ?" Ariana jokes making me laugh

"No of .... You and Mac" I say shyly, scratching the back of my head.

"What's there to be jealous of"

"I don't know" I stuttered "It doesn't even matter because I trust you with anyone and that's what matters" I say interlocking our hands " Are you mad at me?" I ask

"Of course not" she giggles and I finally feel all my stress go away. "You have my heart, I promise"

"I love you" I say looking into her eyes

"I love you more" she whispers pulling me into a kiss.

"I'm really glad we had this talk. Communication is the key to a great relationship" she says smiling at me and I smile back.

We finish the walk and get back home. We all get changed, get dressed and pack a day bag.


"Oh shit I forgot about the dogs. Maybe my mom can watch them for today"
I quickly text my mom and she agrees.

"Ariana what time is it" Lex asks

"11:00 am were perfectly on schedule. Flights at 12 and it's a 6 hour ride to Florida"

Star picks us all up and of course we go to Starbucks. Me and Alexa were getting lit to Madonna in the back seat. I swear Ricky and Star wanted to kill us. We finally get to the airport and get out. I thank star and start my way into the airport. Like always there was a million paparazzi in LAX.

We finally board and I scream "It's gonna be a long fucking day ladies and gentlemen" making Lex and Ricky die laughing.

We decided to watch a movie but I fell asleep with my arms wrapped around Rick.


The movie finishes and Arianas sound asleep on my chest. I look over at Alexa and she's typing away on her phone.

"You know Alvarez, If you hurt my best friend I'll kick your ass" I hear Alexa say pretty serious.

"Don't worry I won't" I say giving Ariana a gentle squeeze.

"I'm trusting you Alvarez. I actually really like you. You make her very happy" She says and I feel like heart grow a little bigger.

"Thank you" i say smiling back

They chapter will be continued I just wanted to make it into two different chapters. 💞

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