May 20, 2k16

745 35 0

I order a cup of Joe from a waitress who looks to be about a hundred and change.why the Update chose this joint of all places,I'll never know. He never stops surprising me with his flair for theatrics. But that's what I get for consorting with a guy who gives me app Updates for a living.

Naturally, when I take a sip of my hot beverage, the Update slides into the booth, slamming his hands on the table and making me burn my tongue to damnation.

"Toots. Gorgeous as ever." I nearly choke on my coffee until I see that he's talking to the waitress. "I'll have the usual," he says and she gives him a thin-lipped smile before waltzing away.

I raise my eyebrows. "Toots?"


"Don't start. Just gimme the goods and let me get outta here. I don't have time for your sass today."

The Update leans across the table and his eyes dance like he's about to let me in on a juicy little secret. "Swiping between stories for home,sorting stories within your reading lists, and updated character limits for story descriptions. Also you can now choose your preferred pronouns rather than gender under settings."

He waits for my reaction,but I give him nothing. Has more to do with the hole burning through my tongue than not picking up what he's putting down. The Update leans back against the red leather booth.

"You're a hard nut to crack, notes. I can never tell if you're impressed with me or what."

I take another carful sip "you've never needed my approval before," I respond.

"No," he says slowly "but that doesn't mean I don't want it."

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