April 4, 2017

195 13 0

Veronica is already waiting for me inside the bar, perched atop a barstool with her hands clasped together in her lap. Her red dress almost glows in the darkness of the room, like she's somehow being lit up from within.

"You're late," she says as the door behind me slams shut, snuffing out the last bit of light from the street.

"I didn't realize I was being summoned."

"I have a particularly unique approach to my updates, you'll learn soon enough." "Now, listen carefully, kitten." Veronica leans in towards me and whispers the following update into my ear: "comment notifications have been revamped. You can now see the comment text in the notification and reply directly from the notification! We fixed some pesky crashes in the Home feed and now, if you share a reading list in a private message, it can be opened directly from the message."

"Sounds like you've been hard at work."

Veronica lets a small smile creep up the side of her mouth. "I am a professional, notes, which is more than I can say for that sorry excuse of an Update you used to have." She dismisses me then, with a curt wave of her hand, and I'm more than happy to show myself out.

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