idk the date oops

360 32 10

"I've been waiting to do this for so long," the Update whispers with his forehead pressed against mine. He breathes in tentatively, like he's unsure of what to do next. And I feel like I might just die if he doesn't kiss me again and I might die if he does. Either way, my world is suddenly wrapped up in a trenchcoat and I know it's all over now. Everything has changed.

Update pulls back and clears his throat, then recites his list in a quick, breathy monotone: "This update has improved UI for related tags, when your friends invite you to Wattpad, you're now taken directly to their profile, simplified the UI for stories in your library that have been removed from Wattpad, and the Facebook icon in your profile now takes you to the correct Facebook profile."

"Are you honestly giving me your release notes right now?" I ask with a laugh, but it comes out mildly hysterical because there's space between us again and I can't stand it. Autumn air slips in around us and I register the cold as brutal reminder that our mutual stubbornness kept us apart for so long.

"Yeah" he says as the corner of his lips quirks upward. "I had to get that out of way so that we can move onto more important things." He leaps forward, wrapping me up in his arms and bringing me in close. "like this." And then I'm smiling into his kiss again, simultaneously alive and dead and soaring far too close to the sun.


thank thank you, to EricCruisoe for typing this up and sending this to me .

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