February 27 2017

225 23 1

The Update goes back to his original sly tactics on our last work day together and decides to surprise me in the elevator. He slips into the small space just as the doors are closing and leans back against the wall, pretending we're something like strangers again.

"What have you got for me this time, mate?" I say, playing along. I spy his crooked little smile peaking out from the shadow of the brim of his hat and I do my best to keep a straight face. "Well?"

"6.25 will get your home feed loading more reliably when you have a slow internet connection, a better experience when you add all of your library's stories to a reading list, and fixed the private messaging issues when you log out and in again."

The Update leans into my ear and gives my hands a quick squeeze before the elevator opens back up to the real world. "See you tonight," he whispers before disappearing down the hallway with a swing of his long jacket, leaving nothing but my blushing cheeks as evidence that he was ever there at all.

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