May 9,2017

240 22 0

I knock on the door again and try to stop the strange feeling of foreboding that's creeping up my body like a vine. It's late and so unlike the Update to leave me waiting like this.

I go round the back of the building and notice one of the windows is ajar. Careful not to tear my tweed jacket in the sharp edges, I climb onto the ledge, pull the window open and hop inside. To my horror, the place has been ransacked. Drawers emptied and left open in their hinges, furniture flipped and torn open, leaving bits of debris floating aimlessly in the air.

And pinned against the wall is a hastily-written note:
- Better handling of private messages that are more than 2000 characters
- Updated visual design of tags in reading lists
- Improved scrolling performance in the Home feed
- If you're a new user, you'll be asked to verify your email before following anyone
- For storytellers: we've made it easier to view your works as a reader

The last thing I see before my vision begins to blurs from panic is a red lipstick stain smeared across a coffee cup left in the sink. It's only one clue, but it's the only one I need to know exactly who is responsible.

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