Sept. 26 2016

411 34 8

"What are you doing?" I step back, started suddenly by the evaporation of personal space between us. But I knew exactly what he was doing.

The update steps forward again, this time hesitantly like he's second-guessing himself. He settles for brushing A piece of hair away from my forehead. "You know they ship us,right?"

"Just because people ship you doesn't mean you have to..." I wave my hands around frantically, "do this! I mean, look at Dean and Cas!" My heart is beating like a hummingbird in my chest. I'm such a complete and utter wimp. I'm pathetic. A real baby.

"Are you really being stubborn, notes?" he asks. He's giving me a second shot on this, I know it.

"I'm being professional." I am stubborn. I'm the worst.

"Well, in that case." The Update shrugs and clears his throat. "Fixed several in-app crashes and the sorting issue in the library, as well as the share button for in-line media. And you can now share a story cover in Pinterest." His delivery is deadpan, saying each word without flourish or theatrics, but he still keeps his eyes on me like he's waiting for a change of heart that doesn't come. "Better?"

But he's already got his answer. He shoves his hands in his pockets and turns away, deflated. No, it isn't better. It's a mess.
Well DaMn okay 🌧

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