October 24, 2016

467 40 15

The update asked to meet me in the park and I'm reluctant. I want to call in sick.  I want to go on an extended vacation and come back a new note, leaving my emotional baggage to rot on the airport conveyor belt. I'm walking in warm boots and an oversized sweater wrapped around me kicking piles of leaves up with every step. I see him by the monument.  His hands are in his pockets as he kicks up a stray leaf on the sidewalk, mirroring my own movements. Maybe it's an autumn thing, kicking leaves. or maybe its a sign the were both a little bit downtrodden I don't know. I try not to think about it.

I just want to get the details on 6.16.0 and leave. I don't want to meet his eyes or bat my lashes or do any of those stupid things that somehow come out of me whenever he's around.

But then I catch the moment he see's me looking up through strands of his chestnut hair and because the world likes to play cruel jokes on the heartsick, that's also the moment when the sun shines the brightest and the wind picks up around us both. 

"The app now launches faster, notes!' I hear his voice on the wind as he walks towards me. His steps are quick, closing the gap between us "There is less memory consumption for gif images, and new users will now automatically follow the friends that referred them." With one final step he's right in front of me. And before I know it, before i can do anything to stop it, he's kissing me like the world is on fire. And maybe it is. Maybe it's always been.


Wowza,finally, the kiss we've all been waiting for. <3

Also happy spooky month ^-^

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