Chapter Two: Sunshine...

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Chapter Two: Sunshine...

Only a speck of light was seen in the dark pits in the large ship. It was the only light the unfortunate women that was taken that night had, the only thing that let them know they was still alive and not exactly in hell yet. Forty days in the dark... Forty days on a ship taking them to somewhere unpleasant... Forty days of sitting with a bunch of suffering women that cried and cried until they was tired- praying until they couldn't pray no more- pleading out to the men that feeds them for mercy.

During those forty days, Sandra kept to herself. The fear inside her took over and made her mute and kept her emotions in a box. She believed, pleading and crying would not take her out of this situation. It's useless... She thought.

Nala believed otherwise... Nala was one of the women who showed the men her fear, that gave up her dignity so easily. She kept pleading and crying until one day, the men had enough and took her out of the darkness and into the light so she can receive her freedom by drowning in the blue sea.

The women including Sandra did not see her horrible death, but they heard her loud screams for mercy and soon the huge splash when she met her death. Still no tears came out of Sandra. However, her emotions; sorrow, fear and depression changed into something else- anger and vengeance.

I wish I can tell you young Sandra went on a rampage and killed the men that was responsible for her friends death, but it's sadly not that type of story.

All the anger and vengeance was not forgotten, but only pushed away; for the meantime, Sandra kept her head clear so she can think things through. If she decided to go on a rampage, Sandra would die as well and it would be all for nothing. Slowly and patiently, she will get what her vengeance, blood and death. Sandra will soon set justice for her two dead friends and the other individuals that lost their lives that night.

"The evil men will get what they deserve..." Sandra mumbled with a wicked smile set in her sweat covered face.

Gasping out of shock, Sandra back arched from the ice cold water that touched her skin. For the first time ever, Sandra was able to rest; however, she could not receive that luxury.

A man towered over her with an wood bucket in his hand and an unamused look on his face. His tall, buff and bald features scared Sandra, especially when he long visible scars all over his face. "Get up," even his voice was scary; deep and groggy. "Get up before I drag you out by your foot."

Sandra placed her hands behind her to steady herself on the wall while she used her weak legs to stand. Forty days with using them can take a toll on you. The ship was somewhat still, the small waves still made the boat move; but not as rough.

Once Sandra stood to her full short height, she looked around to see the woman in the dark area was no longer there pleading and crying. "Are we are land?" The scratchy dryness in her throat made Sandra words come out as a whisper.

Unfortunately the man did not answer Sandra's question, instead, he extended out his rough, large and dirty hand to put a firm grip on Sandra's arm. "Let's go." The tall man walked towards the exit; making Sandra practically stumble behind him as she tried to keep up with his easy and long strides.

The two was silent as they walked out of the dark pits and into a dimmed walk way where they hold guns and other weapons just incase. A set of stairs shined by sun light instantly came into Sandra's vision, the sound of the light waves filled her airs and the smile of burning wood, sea water and fresh air filled her nostrils.

As soon as Sandra was forced to walk up the steps, the sunshine was too much for her as she felt her eyes burning from the good lighting. Immediately shielding here yes good enough not to hurt as much, Sandra finally saw the outside world; nice blue water, the calm waves, clean sand, palm trees, stone fort in the distance and people of all ethnics either taking cargos off the ships or loading the ships. Either way, they held large crates in their arms full of merchandise.

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